I'm working on a #SCMS panel, and just sent a nearly done proposal draft to my panelists. It is such a pleasure working with these scholars, and I'm so genuinely excited to learn more about their approaches to media and medicine.
I think it's going to be a wonderful panel!
#SCMS folx.
If anyone is working on medicine (historical or contemporary) in any medium (film, photograph, digital, MRI), I am putting together a panel for the #SCMS2024 in Boston. If you have a project that might fit, hit me up! I'm looking to fill a couple more spots (cold emails are not working today!)
I am so happy I was feeling well enough to make the final day of #SCMS . I got to see two of my brilliant colleagues share their work.
It is such a pleasure to see the kinds of excellent scholarship that my peers are working on.
I had to cancel presenting a paper at #SCMS tomorrow. I'm just too damned sick.
So @crsbecker sent the following on Twitter - Film & Media folks should help jumpstart conference tooting here!
" #SCMS23 is just 10 days away! The org’s first in-person conference in four years! (!) So #SCMS vets, what advice would you give to a newbie (or anyone who’s forgotten) about how to have a productive in-person experience? Please reply, DM, or email me. I’ll compile & share."
Folks in the TV Studies SIG, I’m running for graduate representative and would appreciate your vote! What a great group of grad students that ended up running. #scms #televisionstudies
Just registered for #SCMS, which is being held in Denver this year. I miss not being able to present my research back in 2020 when it was cancelled due to the pandemic.
But my biggest regret was losing the ability to convince my department to visit Casa Bonita and watch one of my advisors (a scholar of taste cultures) as she experiences that that nexus of camp and bad food for the first time.
Unfortunately the restaurant doesn't open again until May.
As some of you may know, I am Co-Director for the Center for Entertainment & Media Industries (CEMI).
If you're interested in learning more about what we have going on at CEMI & keeping up with what we do, please sign up for our mailing list & newsletter (and share with colleagues!):
#mediaindustries #mediastudies #scms #commodon
Hello fellow #SCMS , #mediastudies , #mediaindustries , #filmstudies , #soundstudies , and #technologystudies scholars!
#scms #mediastudies #mediaindustries #filmstudies #soundstudies #TechnologyStudies
Since you can follow hashtags here, thought it might be helpful to find other #mediastudies folks with the #SCMS hashtag. Let’s try it out! 🤞
This Sunday: Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon. #SCMS
I am running the half-marathon and it’ll be my third half-marathon in 15 days!