The only indoor #skatepark in #Edinburgh and the east of #Scotland is closing at the end of the month to be replaced by a bingo hall. Help us to find and support #skate spaces by signing and spreading the word!!
#skateboarding #rollerskating #bmx #scooting
#skatepark #edinburgh #scotland #skate #skateboarding #rollerskating #bmx #scooting
Is it time to sack Modi!
#adani_fleeing_india #ModiModel #loot_scoot_payup_offshore #corruption #harebrained_pm #scooting
A tip I've just learned about that can help newcomers. Write a post like this one with around 5 - 7 things that interest you that others can search and find you. Feel free to copy this and post it to your page, just adjust the list to suit you. Happy Tooting 😊
#scooting #cyclingforpleasure #aviation #landscapes #photography #scottishindependence #independence #scotland
skating sup...
#sliding #skating #scooting #hardwoodfloor #cat #graceful #animatedgif
#scooting #animatedgif #sliding #skating #cat #graceful
skating sup...
#sliding #skating #scooting #hardwoodfloor #cat #graceful #animatedgif
#scooting #animatedgif #sliding #skating #cat #graceful
scooting along…