Bin aktuell auf unserer hauseigenen #BirchCon, die wir zusammen mit Kunden und Partnern von #UBIRCH organisieren.
Thema #Scope3 / #ESRS / #CSRD und toll sind Vortragende aus der Wirtschaft, die ihre Unternehmen und Produkte vorstellen, um sich wirtschaftlich dem Klimawandel zu stellen. Wenig #Evangelismus, viel #Pragmatismus.
Die Vorträge gibts später auch online.
#birchcon #ubirch #scope3 #esrs #csrd #evangelismus #pragmatismus
#adelphi #scope3 #LCA #co2 #supplychain #sustainability #lieferkettengesetz #Lieferkette, #DueDiligence #Nachhaltigkeit, #greenIT #Diligence #China #Russia #Umwelt #autokorrektur
#autokorrektur #umwelt #russia #china #diligence #greenit #nachhaltigkeit #duediligence #Lieferkette #lieferkettengesetz #sustainability #supplychain #co2 #lca #scope3 #adelphi
"But those #Scope3 emissions adding up to 80% of the overall product-related emissions IS their problem. It's mine too. It's everybody's. That 80% you'd like to ignore directly causes more ClimateChange that we can now literally taste in our mouths.
As far as a climate solution goes #CarbonCaptureAndStorage just flat out ain't good enough."
#scope3 #carboncaptureandstorage #cdnpoli #abpoli #yyc #climatechange
New at! A short intro: I analyze the #sustainability of the supply chains of mainly food processing companies, especially related to #deforestation and #scope3 #CO2 #emission around various #commodities such as #oilpalm #soy #coffee and #cocoa. With others I model #aboveground #biomass using EO data #landat #sentinel-1 #sentinel2 #gedi and combine it with historic and near-realtime #deforestation #detections
#sustainability #deforestation #scope3 #co2 #emission #commodities #oilpalm #soy #coffee #cocoa #aboveground #biomass #landat #sentinel #sentinel2 #gedi #detections
@shellslies #Scope3 emissions include 'use of sold products' - link to
Useful perspective on #UAE as host of #COP28 - a case study in #EmissionsOwnership #Scope3 #cumulative
#uae #COP28 #emissionsownership #scope3 #cumulative #climateemergency
" has asked the #SEC for the go-ahead to exclude a shareholder proposal about its #Scope3 greenhouse gas (GHG) #emissions from its 2023 #AGM."
"#Amazon discloses only emissions for Amazon-branded products, which comprise just 1 percent of its sales. Such disclosures differ from peer companies."
#sec #scope3 #emissions #agm #amazon
"BP, Shell and Chevron have all set some 2030 greenhouse #emissions reduction targets that include #Scope3, [but] Follow This said they are not aligned with the United Nations' ambitions to limit #GlobalWarming to 1.5 C."
"Activist group #FollowThis said it had co-filed the resolutions with six major institutional investors managing $1.3 trillion in assets."
#emissions #scope3 #globalwarming #followthis #agm
New social media outlet, new mini-introduction: Modeling #aboveground #biomass in #sabah using EO data #landat #sentinel-1 #sentinel2 #gedi. One of the few steps of analyzing #deforestation and #scope3 #CO2 #emissions inside supply chains of numerous food processing companies.
#aboveground #biomass #sabah #landat #Sentinel #Sentinel2 #GEDI #deforestation #scope3 #co2 #emissions
@finanzundumwelt sehr interessanter Fond mit vielen spannenden #grünen #Aktien !!!
Z.B. das #deutsche #Unternehmen SMA Solar Technology AG, das in Kassel Wechselrichter produziert und dort eine #CO2 neutrale Produktion anstrebt und dabei auch #scope3 Berücksichtigt! Oder Midsona (Davert) mit #Bio Lebensmitteln ist dabei!
Ich recherchiere jetzt schon eine Weile im #greenWashing Bereich, finde aber im Portfolio des WIWN just green impact Fonds durchweg gute Unternehmen:
#Geld #Finanzen
#ETFsAreNotSustainable #Investment #Investition
not #EFT #Deutschland
#deutschland #EFT #investition #investment #ETFsAreNotSustainable #finanzen #geld #greenwashing #bio #scope3 #co2 #unternehmen #deutsche #aktien #grunen
@starbuck All great points, thanks. Although the important report also recommends including #Scope3 emissions and goes beyond #TCFD by excluding 'intensity' metrics, it doesn't headline the importance of delegitimising fossil fuels sufficiently from my reading.. I'm wondering if it would, for example, strengthen #divestment campaigns, or permit delays through 'engagement'.
Any UK based carbon accountants want to talk to me about standardising #MRV practices in industry?
Running a project atm covering role of standards in accounting for emissions and opportunities for industry (publishing early next year).
#carbonaccounting #ghgprotocol #scope3 #embodiedemissions #industrialemissions
#mrv #carbonaccounting #ghgprotocol #scope3 #embodiedemissions #industrialemissions
Now, it's time for the #EU to come up with a proper #DueDiligence law which includes #scope3 #co2 emissions and social standards reflecting the complete #supplychain
#greenfediverse #FairIT #greenit #supplychain #co2 #scope3 #duediligence #eu
How #sustainable is a #laptop ?
83% are upstream #scope3 #co2 #emissions, created during production, in average 331 kg co2. So consider carefully if you need a device and from which brand.
#sustainability #csr #esg #green #greenfediverse #framework #climatecrisis #climate
#climate #climatecrisis #framework #greenfediverse #green #esg #csr #sustainability #emissions #co2 #scope3 #laptop #sustainable #greenit
It is really important that companies like #Fairphone care about their #scope3 #emissions
Also known as value chain emissions:
Scope1 - direct #CO2 emissions, e.g. Fairphone employee flying to Asia.
Scope2 - electricity indirect emissions, e.g. lights in the FP office. Running website.
Scope3 <- the interesting one!
Includes the scope1 and scope2 emissions of all suppliers, this is where the real CO2 is produced and where the share of #renewableEnergy is low (in the mines, in the mainboard production, ...).
So only way to really reduce CO2 of a electronic device is to tell suppliers to make plans to reduce their CO2 emissions (according to SBT "science based target" standardization).
#greenfediverse #renewableenergy #co2 #emissions #scope3 #fairphone