I find #scopecreep to be a real problem with #selfGuidedLearning, particularly online. Do others find the same and, if so, how do you deal with it?
As an example, I sat down to dig into #ApacheSuperset but that led to #ApacheAirflow, which lead to the Astronomer.io service, which led to #ApacheFlink. By the end of the day I’d had a great overview of some really neat stuff but was not better positioned to be productive in Superset than I was at the start of the day.
#scopecreep #selfguidedlearning #ApacheSuperset #apacheairflow #apacheflink
Battling scope creep!
Building 50 levels would make the game greater,
but I'm solo dev, 50 levels is WAY TOO MUCH,
kept removing levels that don't add to story.
Arrived to these final 28 levels!
How do you fight scope creep?
#gamedev #indiedev #scopecreep
"the slippery slope of scope creep"
#thingsisaidinslacktoday #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #scopecreep
#Today I thought I’d replace our bathroom floor. If this was a software project. This would be scope creep. #diy #scopecreep #homeimprovement
#today #diy #scopecreep #homeimprovement
I met with the remodeler this morning to discuss adding a small bathroom in the basement. Because, after all, no Fortress of Solitude is complete without its own lavatory. #HomeImprovement #ScopeCreep
Scope creep is the best…for the continued employment of IT Consultants #ScopeCreep #MoreButtonsNeeded #LetsNegotiate #Thanks
#scopecreep #morebuttonsneeded #letsnegotiate #thanks
Given the time of year, I reckon I have enough time to develop a Christmas #wishlist #website for next #Christmas. There might be a few months available for this.
Assuming I do not suffer from too much #ScopeCreep of course.
#wishlist #website #christmas #scopecreep
PLAN: I'll "just"😆😆 create a *very* simple website
➡️ Yes! Only the copy, html, my base css! **What content?**
✅ Hey, would be fun to use a static site generator like Eleventy
🥳 Oh! Could have "real" *fun* with Hugo, the fastest framework, it "makes building websites fun again"
🤩 "Go" language looks like fun! <Read Go docs>
👩🏻💻 And sign up for shared hosting.. nah, run my own server! Let's see.. <Read Ubuntu release notes)
@sfoskett Oooo...do tell. :)
I'm just doing clean up from yesterday's maintenance, but your comments about Docker made me think too much. #scopecreep
Kollege Walze präsentiert beraterslang: "Unterwegs sein"
#projekterfolg #projektmanagement #projektonkel #purpose #pwc #respektieren #richkidsofinstagram #scopecreep #smallbusiness #smallbusinesstips #socialmediamarketing #solopreneurs #startup #strategieworkshop #success #typischesprüche #werbisch #womeninbusiness #womenownedbusiness #workfromanywhere #workhardplayhard #zufliegen #zusammenarbeiten #zurich
#projekterfolg #projektmanagement #projektonkel #purpose #PwC #respektieren #richkidsofinstagram #scopecreep #smallbusiness #smallbusinesstips #socialmediamarketing #solopreneurs #startup #strategieworkshop #success #typischespruche #werbisch #womeninbusiness #womenownedbusiness #workfromanywhere #workhardplayhard #zufliegen #zusammenarbeiten #zurich
Kollege Walze präsentiert beraterslang: "Daten einpflegen"
#influencerkooperationen #influencermarketing #instagramforbusiness #keingeld #kollegewalze #kooperation #kpmg #leverage #lgsbf #london #love #lovemyjob #marketing #marketinggonewrong #mayato #mayatogmbh #mbaconsulting #mckinsey #mediaconsulting #mindsetmatters #neusprech #onlinemarketinglernen #paris #pricewaterhousecoopers #projekterfolg #projektonkel #purpose #pwc #respektieren #richkidsofinstagram #scopecreep #smallbusiness
#influencerkooperationen #influencermarketing #instagramforbusiness #keingeld #kollegewalze #Kooperation #kpmg #leverage #lgsbf #london #love #lovemyjob #marketing #marketinggonewrong #mayato #mayatogmbh #mbaconsulting #mckinsey #mediaconsulting #mindsetmatters #neusprech #onlinemarketinglernen #paris #pricewaterhousecoopers #projekterfolg #projektonkel #purpose #PwC #respektieren #richkidsofinstagram #scopecreep #smallbusiness
Gah! #scopecreep Wanted a raspberry pi. Had to return it due to cribdeath. Bought a refurb dell…upside, it’s much faster and all the stuff seems to work better. Downside: no USB3? (That was never an initial criteria, but it’s how I end up spending $509 on a 4 tb raid 5 server when all I really needed was a pihole and PLEX.)
Kollege Walze präsentiert beraterslang: Schmerzfrei sein
#pricewaterhousecoopers #projekterfolg #projektmanagement #projektonkel #purpose #pwc #respektieren #richkidsofinstagram #scopecreep #smallbusiness #smallbusinesstips #socialmediamarketing #solopreneurs #startup #strategieworkshop #success #typischesprüche #werbisch #womeninbusiness #womenownedbusiness #workfromanywhere #workhardplayhard #zufliegen #zusammenarbeiten
#pricewaterhousecoopers #projekterfolg #projektmanagement #projektonkel #purpose #PwC #respektieren #richkidsofinstagram #scopecreep #smallbusiness #smallbusinesstips #socialmediamarketing #solopreneurs #startup #strategieworkshop #success #typischespruche #werbisch #womeninbusiness #womenownedbusiness #workfromanywhere #workhardplayhard #zufliegen #zusammenarbeiten
Kollege walze präsentiert beraterslang: "Historisch gewachsen".
#beratersprech #beraterslang #big4 #scopecreep #berater #beraterhumor #consulting #mckinsey #deloitte #neuhier #mastodonnewbe #hallozusammen #beraterhumor #beragerjargon #businessjargon #beratersprache #powerfrauen #homeoffice #workfromanywhere #workfromanywhere #consultingtalk
#beratersprech #beraterslang #big4 #scopecreep #berater #beraterhumor #consulting #mckinsey #Deloitte #neuhier #mastodonnewbe #hallozusammen #beragerjargon #businessjargon #beratersprache #powerfrauen #Homeoffice #workfromanywhere #consultingtalk
I'd really hoped to use the old Pi model 1 that I've had for years for this, but it's just a bit too slow to keep up well. I'd also hoped to use the old 120GB SSD from my last PC, but that's too flaky (I am now recalling that I replaced it for a reason).
So now I've got a Pi 3 A+ and a 240GB SSD and I'm barely using any of the available resources, so maybe I need to incorporate video as well.