94% reduction in #fossilfuel demand.
Cut #GreenhouseGas emissions by 85% below 1990 levels
Reduce smog-forming #AirPollution by 71%
Create 4 million new jobs.
Save Californians $200 billion in health costs due to pollution in 2045
CARB #ScopingPlan 2022
#fossilfuel #greenhousegas #airpollution #scopingplan
California’s final Scoping Plan sets the stage for stronger climate leadership, but next steps matter | EDF https://blogs.edf.org/climate411/2022/12/13/californias-final-scoping-plan-sets-the-stage-for-stronger-climate-leadership-but-next-steps-matter/
#climate #california #CARB #ScopingPlan #ClimateChange #emissions #regulation
#climate #california #carb #scopingplan #climatechange #emissions #regulation