What we like about UBlock is it is really great at simply stopping the browsers from telling technoFascists like Google, (eg. ), and other operators that a site is visited.

Its good to prevent from gaining aggregate data on what ppl are accessing, because they'll use that to target ppl.

If we were Tor and had to choose whether to put UBlock or NoScript JS Chooser, we'd say both, but NoScript needs a basic slider option.

#amazon #scorecardResearch #trackingpixel #technoFascists

Last updated 3 years ago

When you see being fetched by a website, just think (aka ).

DID YOU KNOW it generally takes about 3 to 30 seconds to check if a page snitches to (, amazon, , etc).

Use Ctrl+Shift+E in to bring up the Network tab.

#scorecardResearch #Scamazon #amazon #cageFam #cloudflare #google #microsoft #torbrowser

Last updated 3 years ago