So unfassbar gut.
#taxidriver #arte #deniro #foster #keitel #scorsese #nyc #isolation #loneliness #schrader #bickle #betsy #iris
#Iris #betsy #bickle #Schrader #loneliness #isolation #nyc #scorsese #keitel #foster #deniro #arte #taxidriver
Are you ready for another epic Scorsese-DiCaprio movie? They are adapting ‘The Wager’, about a British naval expedition that turned into a nightmare of shipwreck, mutiny, and murder in the 1740s. Read more here: #TheWager #Scorsese #DiCaprio
#TheWolfOfWallStreet ha una struttura somigliante a #GoodFellas. Wall Street=Crimine. #Scorsese regista sempre potente. Sorpresa #JonahHill.
#TheWolfOfWallStreet #goodfellas #scorsese #jonahhill
#watched #nowwatching #movie #film #kino #cinemastodon #cinema - #martinscorsese #scorsese
imagine a world and cinema where we don't have Raging Bull, King of Comedy, Goodfellas, Age of Innocence, After Hours, Casino, Aviator, Shutter Island, Cape Fear, Wolf of Wall Street, Irishman..
What a huge loss it would've been.
And this actually could've been cause in 1978 Scorsese was at the height of his cocaine addiction and close to death, in his own words via 'Projections' volume 7 in 1995:
#scorsese #martinscorsese #cinema #cinemastodon #kino #film #movie #nowwatching #watched
#Filmfest 857 #Cinema #USA1976 #TaxiDriver #Scorsese #DeNiro #MartinScorsese #RobertDeNiro #JodieFoster #Classics #Film #Movies #MovingPicture
#filmfest #cinema #usa1976 #taxidriver #scorsese #deniro #martinscorsese #robertdeniro #jodiefoster #classics #film #movies #movingpicture
In the next 5 months we will have movies released by Martin Scorsese, Denis Villeneuve, David Fincher and well yea Ridley Scott.
#movie #film #cinemastodon #cinema - #martinscorsese #denisvilleneuve #christophernolan #ridleyscott - #scorsese #villeneuve #nolan #killersoftheflowermoon #dunepart2 #duneparttwo #oppenheimer #napoleon
#napoleon #Oppenheimer #DunePartTwo #dunepart2 #killersoftheflowermoon #nolan #Villeneuve #scorsese #ridleyscott #christophernolan #denisvilleneuve #martinscorsese #cinema #cinemastodon #film #movie
#matylda #labrador #labradosti #joybrador #labradorretriever #labradors #brownlabrador #blacklabrador #labradorlove #lovelabrador #labdogs #doglovers #labrador_lovers #labradortime #labradores #blackbrador #scorsese
#matylda #labrador #labradosti #joybrador #labradorretriever #labradors #brownlabrador #blacklabrador #labradorlove #lovelabrador #labdogs #doglovers #labrador_lovers #labradortime #labradores #blackbrador #scorsese
#Spielberg, #Scorsese and Paul Thomas Anderson to "curate" #TurnerClassicMovies / #TCM
#spielberg #scorsese #turnerclassicmovies #tcm
"This is a #masterpiece."
#SpiderMan: #AcrossTheSpiderverse proves beyond any and all reasonable criticisms, including #Scorsese's, that #superhero #movies can be #cinema and #art.
It's the best #animation I've ever seen, but I don't watch much animation. Pure #visual #genius, it belongs with any #art ever created by anyone.
It's also a strong, mature, seamlessly told #story.
"a testament to what cinema is capable of"
#Canon is a cage.
#canon #story #genius #visual #Animation #Art #cinema #Movies #superhero #scorsese #acrossthespiderverse #spiderman #masterpiece
Travis Bickle: You should get one of those signs that says "One of these days I'm gonna get organezized".
New Graduate: You mean organized?
Travis Bickle: Organezized. Organezized. It's a joke. O-R-G-A-N-E-Z-I-Z-E-D...
(Caveat: Does anyone get this joke? I don’t think I do, lol)
#Scorsese #TaxiDriver
#TaxiDriver #scorsese #HashtagGames #fictionalcharacterslifeadvicetoanewgraduate
"La tríada protagonista del #film la completa Lily Gladstone, una actriu que va créixer a la reserva índia dels blackfeet".
"#KillersOfTheFlowerMoon és un thriller que denuncia els abusos comesos i el genocidi contra els pobles indígenes nord-americans a principis del segle XX, personalitzat en els indis osage que vivien a Oklahoma.
#Cinema #Cannes #Scorsese #Western #FirstNations #AmericanNatives
#film #killersoftheflowermoon #cinema #cannes #scorsese #western #firstnations #americannatives
#Scorsese: «La tragedia dei nativi non va dimenticata»
Non l’ha mandata a dire #RobertDeNiro in conferenza stampa, a Cannes, per la presentazione dell’ultimo ultimo film di Martin #Scorsese Killers of the Flower Moon (dal 19 ottobre
The post #Scorsese: «La tragedia dei nativi non va dimenticata» first appeared on il manifesto.
#Scorsese: 'The tragedy of the natives must not be forgotten'
#RobertDeNiro did not mince words at the press conference in Cannes for the presentation of Martin #Scorsese's latest film Killers of the Flower Moon (from 19 October
The post #Scorsese: "The tragedy of the natives must not be forgotten" first appeared on il manifesto.
22-5-2023 9:55 #il manifesto
Martin #Scorsese komt op het filmfestival in Cannes met een bijdrage over het Amerika dat draait op hebzucht, geweld en wantrouwen. Wellicht is Killers of the Flower Moon de bitterste van allemaal. De jaren hebben de maestro niet vrolijker gemaakt.
Gli indiani di #Scorsese, la fine dell’innocenza americana
A ottant’anni Martin #Scorsese ha fatto il suo primo western. E lo ha fatto -come Michael Cimino con I cancelli del cielo – scegliendo una chiave fondativa, una lunghezza epica
The post Gli indiani di #Scorsese, la fine dell’innocenza americana first appeared on il manifesto.
#Scorsese's Indians, the end of American innocence
At the age of eighty, Martin #Scorsese has made his first western. And he did it - like Michael Cimino with The Gates of Heaven - by choosing a founding key, an epic length
The post #Scorsese's Indians, the end of American innocence first appeared on il manifesto.
20-5-2023 22:4 #il manifesto
Gret! Tell the story, butvit's HOE the story's told & who's tellung it
What do Amerikan #indigenous people think of this #film
Killers of the Flower Moon — Official Teaser Trailer
New trailer for #KillersOfTheFlowerMoon by #Scorsese
#Movies #cinemastodon #scorsese #KillersoftheFlowerMoon
È stata una #serietv cult ma da noi è passata praticamente inosservata: Fran Lebowitz, una vita a New York: un inno all’anticonformismo, alla New York di una forse inesistente età dell’oro, e a una donna a cui perdoni ogni cinismo. #Scorsese