YesTV·Scot - #ScotlandIsAColony
• This is Scotland for the next two years
• St Andrew's Day Message from Alex Salmond
• 'The Great Pain Robbery' - A #ScotSalvo and Special Broadcast
YesTV·Scot - #ScotlandIsAColony
• St Andrew's Day Message from Alex Salmond
• If Sturgeon's Supreme Court speech was HONEST....
• 'The Great Pain Robbery' - A #ScotSalvo and Special Broadcast
• The Mess We're In - LIVE IN LONDON
It has taken me most of a lifetime to realise that Scotland is effectively a colony. The UK Supreme Court by its judgement last Wed removed all last lingering doubts. By stamping on our aspirations to self determination they confirmed our oppression by UK.#ScotlandisaColony
YesTV·Scot - #ScotlandIsAColony
• 'The Great Pain Robbery' - A #ScotSalvo and Special Broadcast
• In Full: Bernard Ponsonby speaks to Alex Salmond after the Supreme Court ruling
• The Mess We're In - LIVE IN LONDON
I hate that Scotland is always compared to Quebec. Quebec is a province of the country Canada. Scotland is a country in its own right. It's not just a "province" of Scotland that is seeking the right to self determination, it's the actual country. Country vs province is like comparing apples to oranges. #ScottishIndendence #indy2 #ScotlandUKPrisoner #ScotlandIsAColony #AreYouYesYet #WhyNotScotland
#WhyNotScotland #AreYouYesYet #scotlandisacolony #scotlandukprisoner #indy2 #scottishindendence
@nowayjomo - I didn't mention subjugated, nor did Oxford, and the rest of your post is effectively a party political broadcast.
I asked "Is Scotland under partial political control of another country?"
I'm certain it is, therefore #ScotlandIsAColony
@nowayjomo - You assert Scotland is not a colony. I've shown you the definition and expected, if you replied, that you might give your reasons for disagreeing... but no, just another assertion.
Is Scotland under partial political control of another country?
Accidentally on purpose?
Last week Nicola Sturgeon and The SNP were under serious scrutiny and haemorrhaging support over #GRR - so #Starmer steps up to bandage the wound.
The SNP are colonial administrators and you are being played.
#scotlandisacolony #starmer #grr
I'm often disappointed that some of my posts garner little or no response but I appear to have stumbled on a way to fix that. If you favour independence for Scotland you should try it too.
Just mention the following:
Scotland is a colony. That's it. #ScotlandIsAColony