Parents of students killed in the #StonemanDouglasHigh #SchoolShooting are doing what a failing #Florida judicial system should’ve done. They organized a *reenactment with live bullets* to prove that #SRO #ScotPeterson could in FACT hear where shots were coming from, but was too cowardly to respond to.
At least parents can seek more complete justice through their #CivilLawsuit. ✅
#stonemandouglashigh #schoolshooting #florida #sro #scotpeterson #civillawsuit
#Parkland Victims’ Family Members Slam #ScotPeterson #Acquittal Verdict
#parkland #scotpeterson #acquittal
#ScotPeterson verdict: Deputy not guilty in #Parkland shooting trial
#ScotPeterson may have been acquitted, but he'll always be known as "The Coward of Broward." Sheesh, how would you like to have that pinned on you for the rest of your life? Might as well put it on your tombstone, too.
I have mixed feelings about the verdict because I don't see how you can criminalize being afraid. His crime was being scared shitless. The problem was, he had a job that required him to be brave.
Jury Finds Former Broward County Deputy Not Guilty for Behavior During Parkland Shooting #MarjoryStonemanDouglasHighSchool #Parkland #ParklandSchoolCopTrial #ScotPeterson #ChildNeglect #Acquittal #Florida #politicaliq #news #politics
#marjorystonemandouglashighschool #parkland #parklandschoolcoptrial #scotpeterson #childneglect #acquittal #florida #politicaliq #News #politics
Peterson, 60, could face almost 100 years in prison and lose his $104,000 annual pension if convicted of felony child neglect.
#BrianGoolsby #MarjoryStonemanDouglasHighSchool #NikolasCruz #ScotPeterson
#Miami #news
#briangoolsby #marjorystonemandouglashighschool #nikolascruz #scotpeterson #miami #News
#ScotPeterson was the SRO on-site during the #MassShooting at #MarjorieStonemanDouglasHighSchool. His former colleagues are testifying at his trial for dereliction of duty, confirming that he IS ‘the Coward of #BrowardCounty ‘. 👉
#scotpeterson #MassShooting #marjoriestonemandouglashighschool #browardcounty
The Case of #ScotPeterson, Who Failed to Confront #Parkland #Gunman, Could Set New Standard for #SchoolResourceOfficers
Trial begins just after first anniversary of #Uvalde #schoolshooting—another colossal failure by #police
#ACAB #coward #FTP #publicschools
#scotpeterson #parkland #gunman #schoolresourceofficers #Uvalde #schoolshooting #police #acab #coward #ftp #publicschools
#ScotPeterson , aka the #CowardOfBrowardCounty is on trial today for felony child neglect when he cowered in the same spot outside #MarjoryStonemanDouglasHighSchool in Parkland, #Florida for 48 minutes (!) and failed to confront the shooter while he murdered 11 students and staff.
If convicted, he could serve time in prison AND lose his pension. 🆗
#scotpeterson #cowardofbrowardcounty #marjorystonemandouglashighschool #florida #EnoughIsEnough