Marine :autismcreature: · @MarineHaddock
43 followers · 734 posts · Server
Marine :autismcreature: · @MarineHaddock
28 followers · 355 posts · Server

The union continues to be a mess and I'm reminding you everyone can and SHOULD be a menace to the English (government)

#scotland #scottishindependence #indyref2 #scotref #stickers

Last updated 2 years ago

Rob McDowall · @rob
885 followers · 224 posts · Server

As has been highlighted by others, the behaviour of the Scottish Conservatives in ScotParl these past few days has been incredibly unedifying and the cheering on of a possible attempt to block the legislation in Westminster really shows what the Tories think of Scotland and the Parliament which serves it.

The Tories have not won an majority at an election in Scotland for nearly six decades. King Charles was 7 years old when a majority in Scotland last voted for a Tory government. Something the UK Tory govt must be aware of is just how much damage an attempt to block this legislation will do to the notion that the UK is a modern functioning democracy. It would undermine the constitutional settlement and put the very notion of devolution at risk.

I’d say to the UK government that should they seek to intervene and attempt to block this legislation, they will be the authors of the fall of the union as we know it. It will be nigh impossible for this charade to continue as-is and for many this overstep will signal the beginning of the end for the union. The impact will be so much more than simply removing or arresting the effect of a piece of legislation, it will lay bare the fractures within the very foundations of the union and constitutional settlement.

The people of Scotland vote for who represents them at their parliament and by virtue of securing a majority, the SNP and the Scottish Greens have the right to move forward to realise their respective manifesto commitments galvanised by their mandate.

Scotland turned a corner today and while this legislation is historic and signals a fundamental change and progression in Scotland, the work here is far from finished. The legislation doesn’t go far enough and doesn’t help or empower non-binary people.

The Tories will always find a way to attempt to stymie progression and seek to assemble barriers in the way of societal progress unless such progress serves them or those who bankroll or have an interest in their party.

For Scotland to be the forward-thinking, progressive and caring beacon it can be, the full levers of power need to rest with its national parliament and the people of Scotland should be the architects of their own future. Decisions affecting Scotland should be taken in Scotland.

#scotland #grareform #scotlandsfuture #scotref #indyref #indyref2

Last updated 2 years ago

Rob McDowall AMRSPH FRSA · @rob
663 followers · 126 posts · Server

should not be permitted to put the constitutional question to the people of Scotland considering the massive change in the political landscape of the UK leaving the EU and doing so with a majority of Scottish voters opposed.

Bearing in mind that continued EU membership was of such fundamental importance in IndyRef and the majority of voters in Scotland were dead against leaving the EU.

If winning an election provides a mandate then Nicola Sturgeon has mandates many times over. We have a PM who nobody voted for, telling the FM who actually enjoys multiple personal mandates that this voluntary union isn’t up for debate.

πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ How is that fair?

#indyref2 #scottishindependence #scotref #scotland

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1263 followers · 982 posts · Server
FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1261 followers · 979 posts · Server

Put in mind of this wee cartoon after Supreme Court result... πŸ™„ Definitely mair "nippy" than any of Alex's offerings for our 'Treaty of Union Articles' (2019) πŸ˜‰ But sums up what I feel is the sole reason behind the W'minster denial of Scottish democracy 🀨
I'm unable to cite the creator as it was found ages ago on a post that didn't reveal them either πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

#centralisation #SameOld #NationInWaiting #WhyNotScotland #CountryNotCounty #JustifyTheUnion #scotref

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1260 followers · 977 posts · Server

@shawntheox79 & my point, is that we'd not need a mandate for another as the decision would have won us the self-determination we wanted without the need for a re-do. It's no secret Salmond rushed the thing...

#brexit #scotref

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1260 followers · 975 posts · Server

@AlexSalmond & SNP knew there was a pending vote, yet rushed to a prior to that. How do his supporters feel the land would lie now if he had waited until after the ? Everyone still happy with that decision? πŸ€”πŸ€¨

If you need proof they knew the EU vote was on the cards - see any of @NicolaSturgeon in debates against those saying we'd be out the EU in the event of a Yes vote. Fae the @BBCNews themselves (Jan, 2013) -

#JustifyTheUnion #euref #scotref #brexit

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1260 followers · 975 posts · Server

@AlexSalmond & SNP knew there was a pending vote, yet rushed to a prior to that. How do his supporters feel the land would lie now if he had waited until after the ? Everyone still happy with that decision? πŸ€”πŸ€¨

#scotlanddenieddemocracy #JustifyTheUnion #euref #scotref #brexit

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1260 followers · 973 posts · Server

Patrick Blower on - political cartoon gallery in London

#nicolasturgeon #ScottishIndependence #scotref #scottishreferendum

Last updated 2 years ago

Joining is free β€” we don’t have a membership fee. We have local groups across the country and we’re always looking to start more.

The quickest way to get involved is to fill out this form, and we’ll be in touch ASAP.

#scottishindependence #scotref #indyref2 #scotpol #ric

Last updated 2 years ago

RhiannonV · @RhiannonV
91 followers · 20 posts · Server

It is fundamental to democracy that a country's Government can call on the electorate to make decisions via referenda. The decision today is damning for UK 'democracy'.

It is clear that the UK is neither a voluntary or equal Union of nations.

#scotref #yes #indyref2 #indyref #youyesyet

Last updated 2 years ago

Rob McDowall AMRSPH FRSA · @rob
655 followers · 118 posts · Server

Something I believe the UK Supreme Court may say is that the power to hold is still very much and unequivocally reserved to Westminster but that one of the essential characteristics of a β€˜voluntary union’ would be the existence of a process by which means a referendum could be requested by either side to the agreement unlike the current situation where one party to the agreement holds all the cards.

I believe the UKSC could then assert that, as it stands, the UK’s position of continually rejecting calls for a referendum out of hand, despite a number of formal and explicit requests for a referendum, all of which led to increased and maintained support for the parties of Govt in Scotland, is untenable, manifestly unfair and will be damaging to the union in the longer term.

The UKSC could then advise the UK government that a formal process would be needed to be designed by which these requests can be made and assessed in a manner which is fair, appropriate and transparent.

Maintaining the status quo would be unwise and unhealthy due to animosity RE: the consistent level of support (or lack thereof) of the Conservative Party in Scotland and the support for the SNP and Scottish Green Party.

Whichever way this case is resolved, there will be parties on either side who will be unhappy.

Looking forward to the determination.

#scotref #uksupremecourt #indyref2 #scottishindepence

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1155 followers · 930 posts · Server

I get these queries a lot and I thought I'd share my response. If you've thoughts, please do make them known πŸ˜‰
The Treaty has been altered hugely but only because the articles allowed for it. We know Findlater & Seafield attempted its repeal in 1713 which failed by 4 votes...

πŸ¦„πŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ ΏπŸ’œ

#WhyNotScotland #JustifyTheUnion #scotref #ClaimOfRight #salvo #howscotlandlostherparliament

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1118 followers · 925 posts · Server

Catch the two Davies who had Random Scottish History (masel πŸ˜‰) on for a wee chat 😁

Will definitely be back πŸ‘Œ

πŸ¦„ 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 πŸ’œ

#WhyNotScotland #CountryNotCounty #JustifyTheUnion #scotref

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1118 followers · 925 posts · Server

Seems like I'll be joinin the Two Davies this afternoon, live at 3pm πŸ‘Œ

πŸ¦„ 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 πŸ’œ

#NationInWaiting #WhyNotScotland #CountryNotCounty #TreatyOfUnion #JustifyTheUnion #scotref

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1118 followers · 925 posts · Server

'Scots Magazine,' Monday 1st January, 1900, p.133.

#WhyNotScotland #scotref

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1118 followers · 925 posts · Server

What a summing up!

πŸ¦„πŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ ΏπŸ’œ

#isthisasgoodasitgets #WhyNotScotland #JustifyTheUnion #scotref #mustwatch

Last updated 2 years ago

FlikeNoir · @FlikeNoir
1118 followers · 925 posts · Server

It just baffles me that those whose livelihoods relied on EU trade weren't prepared to weight up the pros & cons of prior to voting for it... Now they're scrambling to reconcile the aftereffects of the lies they bought πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

#brexitlifeboat #scotref #brexit

Last updated 2 years ago