The unfamiliarly familiar; the school is in the wrong place, the lampposts are incorrect, and a giant chimney has been effaced, yet I know that view oh so well. So much so that I can say the wall didn't have the reinforcement railing, and I am possibly (partially) responsible for why it now does. - When you nip to the local shop....fuck you Notts, you have nothing on Greenock... #Scotland #greenock #milesofsky #homeiswheretheheartis #scotslass
#scotslass #homeiswheretheheartis #milesofsky #greenock #scotland
When you nip to the local shop....fuck you Notts, you have nothing on Greenock... #Scotland #greenock #milesofsky #homeiswheretheheartis #scotslass
#scotland #greenock #milesofsky #homeiswheretheheartis #scotslass