A wee bit swatch o ma owersettin intae #Scots, this bein Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night...
Dinnae Gang Cannie Intae Yon Guid Nicht by #DylanThomas, owersettit by Albert Kirk Jr
(It's in copyricht yet, sae ken that A ken that weel, Estate o Dylan Thomas 😬)
#ScotsPoem #ScotsPoetry #WelshPoetry #ScotsLeid #ScotsScrievin
#scotsscrievin #ScotsLeid #welshpoetry #scotspoetry #scotspoem #dylanthomas #scots
The Cauld Sunbeams
A lik the air crisp,
Gentle but no welcomin.
Warm breath flittin hazy,
Cheeks beamin rosy.
Crunchy steps underfit,
The russle ae yer jaiket.
The still daylight air,
An the cauld sunbeams.
Crisp an bright but no breezy,
Welcomin but no warm.
The peaceful kind ae winter,
Wi the cauld sunbeams.
#scotslanguage #scotspoem #scots #ScotsLeid
Hingin Aboot by Albert Kirk Jr
A'm urnae here tae tan yer hoose,
A'm ainlie hingin aboot...
#ScotsLeid #Scots #ScotsPoetry #ScotsPoem #Poetry #ScotsLanguage #Writing
#writing #scotslanguage #poetry #scotspoem #scotspoetry #scots #ScotsLeid
#ScotsPoem for #Saturday is Lament for a Lost Dinner Ticket by Margaret Hamilton
One of my favourites, this. Makes me laugh every time I read it.