"Comedy Bang! Bang! host Scott Aukerman, where he notes that podcasts stand out because so much of entertainment today is prescripted. Podcasts are rare in that you can hear people laugh and 'be joyful in the moment'."
#AmritaKhalid, 2023
#amritakhalid #podcasts #theverge #scottaukerman
@cwwilkie so glad to see someone mention #Threedom! Do you listen to any of the trio's other #podcasts (#ComedyBangBang #StayFHomekins #RaisedonTV, etc)?
#podcast #comedy #ScottAukerman #PaulFThompkins #LaurenLapkus
#Threedom #podcasts #ComedyBangBang #stayfhomekins #raisedontv #podcast #comedy #scottaukerman #paulfthompkins #laurenlapkus