Yesterday #NevadaCounty sent a Type-3 Engine #StrikeTeam to the #HeadFire in #SiskiyouCounty. Before units arrived at the Head Fire they were diverted to the #ScottFire in the #FortJones area for immediate need structure protection in a remote area of the wilderness
#nevadacounty #striketeam #headfire #siskiyoucounty #scottfire #fortjones
#ScottFire (#Lakeport, Lake Co) - IC reporting the fire is holding at 4 acres w/ retardant around the majority of the fire, making good progress, cancelling resources not yet at scene. Final update.
#ScottFire (#Lakeport, Lake Co) - Air Attack reporting 3 acres w/ slow rate of spread, have a couple of tanker drops along the flanks.
#ScottFire near #Lakeport in Lake Co: 2 additional engines started due to significant column of smoke showing. AA110 requesting 1 addl tanker. Difficult access for ground resources.
#ScottFire near Fargo Way and Dusty Trail, north of Browns Valley in Yuba County is 115 acres and 100% contained. In Unified Command with @CALFIRENEU
and @YubaSheriff…
#ScottFire near Fargo Way and Dusty Trail, north of Browns Valley in Yuba County is 115 acres and 97% contained. In Unified Command with @CALFIRENEU
and @YubaSheriff…
#ScottFire near Fargo Way and Dusty Trail, north of Browns Valley in Yuba County is 115 acres and 93% contained. In Unified Command with @CALFIRENEU and @YubaSheriff…
#ScottFire near Fargo Way and Dusty Trail, north of Browns Valley in Yuba County is 115 acres and 87% contained. In Unified Command with @CALFIRENEU
and @YubaSheriff…
#ScottFire near Fargo Way and Dusty Trail, north of Browns Valley in Yuba County is 115 acres and 85% contained. In Unified Command with @CALFIRENEU and @YubaSheriff.…
#ScottFire near Fargo Way and Dusty Trail, north of Browns Valley in Yuba County is 97 acres and 80% contained. In Unified Command with @CALFIRENEU
and @YubaSheriff.…
#ScottFire near Fargo Way and Dusty Trail, north of Browns Valley in Yuba County is 97 acres and 50% contained. In Unified Command with @CALFIRENEU and @YubaSheriff.…
#ScottFire near Fargo Way and Dusty Trail, north of Browns Valley in Yuba County is 95 acres and 20% contained. In Unified Command with @CALFIRENEU and @YubaSheriff.…
#ScottFire (#LomaRica, Yuba Co) - IC reports forward progress has been stopped, resources committed another 5-6 hours & will have a few engines on it overnight. Last mapped just under 100 acres. LOM-E087 remains under an evacuation order, the others have been lifted. Final……
New Incident: #ScottFire near Fargo Way and Dusty Trail, north of Browns Valley in Yuba County is 95 acres. In Unified Command with @CALFIRENEU and @YubaSheriff.…
OES Intel 12, June 15th on the #ScottFire, NEU. Fire is mapped at 95 acres at 17:16 hours.
#ScottFire (#LomaRica, Yuba Co) - AA cancelling 2 of the additional tankers & cancelling request for 1 of the copters. IC reporting the fire is 50 acres. Zone LOM-E079 was upgraded to an evacuation order.
Evac Points
Sycamore Ranch
5390 California Highway 20, Browns Valley,……
#ScottFire (#LomaRica, Yuba Co) - Air Attack placing a no-divert status on 3 air tankers due to life safety, 1 large air tanker requested. Evacuations in progress w/ Zone LOM-E087 = evacuation order & Zones LOM-E079 + YUB-E042 being evacuation warnings. Map link:……
CAL FIRE is at scene of two fires in our neighboring Nevada-Yuba-Placer Unit. We are sending two engines and a crew to the #ScottFire in Loma Rica. The #McCourtneyFire is burning in Penn Valley. Smoke from these fires may be seen in southeastern Butte County. @ALERTCalifornia
#calfire #butte #btu
#scottfire #mccourtneyfire #calfire #butte #btu
#ScottFire (#LomaRica, Yuba Co) - IC requesting 15 additional engines, 5 handcrews & 4 dozers. Air Attack requesting 2 addl S-2 tankers & 2 more copters.
#ScottFire (#LomaRica, Yuba Co) - AA112 overhead reporting 3 separate fires totaling 20 acres w/ moderate rate of spread in grass & oak woodland, 2 structures are immediately threatened.