RT @definitivegazer
We’ve had @Douglas4Moray Scottish journalists, other #ScottishConservatives all demanding transparency from #Snp
Why is this major story being ignored?
Get retweeting folks, don’t let them bury this.
@Leasky While the far right in the UK (which includes much of #ScottishConservatives ) demonise and traumatise the trans community, across Europe moderate and sane governments mirror the Scottish Parliament decision.
#scottishconservativesfarright #scottishconservatives
I encourage people to watch the party political broadcasts by the #ScottishConservatives... just to see, up close, what a creepy and mithering human being #DouglasRoss really is.
If that's his sincere look... he's in a lot of trouble.
#douglasross #scottishconservatives