Here’s the problem. One of the #Duolingo native speaker’s dialect is hard for me to understand. I wish they’d flesh out the #ScottishGaelic and be a little more consistent with the voices. And I would really like it if they added #Gaelic #SpeechRecognition.
Is mise Crìsdean. Tha mi air a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig airson fichead bliadhna. (over a 20 year period with multi-year gaps, so maybe 3 years in earnest).
#speechrecognition #gaelic #scottishgaelic #Duolingo
Madainn mhath a h-uile duine, tha trèanadh cudromach agam an-diugh agus an uairsin tha e air falbh gu cunntair an leabharlainn. #gaidhlig #scottishgaelic
Does anyone know of any Gaelic-language podcasts I could listen to?
#languagelearning #gaidhlig #scottishgaelic #gaelic
Language Update:
I’ve restarted learning Scots Gaelic in addition to Yiddish, Hebrew and Greek.
Maybe I’m taking on too much at once.
I’ve forgotten the Hebrew Alef Bet and it’s hard to figure out the vowels without any likud. #duolingo #scotsgaelic #gaelic #hebrew #modernhebrew #scottishgaelic #gaidhlig
#duolingo #scotsgaelic #gaelic #hebrew #modernhebrew #scottishgaelic #gaidhlig
"Morning Has Broken" is a #Christian #hymn first published in 1931. It has words by English author #EleanorFarjeon and was inspired by the village of #Alfriston in #EastSussex, then set to a traditional #ScottishGaelic tune, "#Bunessan". It is often sung in children's services and in #funeral services. English #popMusician and #folkSinger #CatStevens included a version on his album #TeaserAndTheFirecat (1971).
#christian #hymn #eleanorfarjeon #alfriston #eastsussex #scottishgaelic #bunessan #funeral #popmusician #folksinger #catstevens #teaserandthefirecat
My #BookReview of Creation (Why Odin Drinks #0.5) by Bjørn Larssen for #MythologyMonday
It's an irreverent, humorous #retelling of Odin's first few days of existence. Good for a giggle!
Tha an lèirmheas agam ann an #Gàidhlig agus Beurla. Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig agus ’s e deagh chleachdadh a tha seo!
My review in is #ScottishGaelic and English. I am learning Gaelic and this is good practice!
#BookReview #mythologymonday #retelling #gaidhlig #scottishgaelic
Join us to welcome the first ever #LGBTQ children's books in Gaelic and Scots.
Myself and Matthew Mackie have been busy all Spring, translating two stories by Lawrence Schimel for the Rainbow Books series.
Bring along your little ones for a special bilingual story session!
~ Marcas
#Gaelic #Gàidhlig #Scots #ScotsLanguage #ScotsLeid #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #EdBookFest #EdinburghBookFestival #ScottishGaelic #GaelicBooks #ScottishBooks #KidsBooks
#kidsbooks #scottishbooks #gaelicbooks #scottishgaelic #edinburghbookfestival #EdBookFest #lgbtqia #lgbt #ScotsLeid #scotslanguage #scots #gaidhlig #gaelic #lgbtq
Seo artaigil fìor mhath mu dhaoine òga air a' Ghàidhealtachd: Sgeulachdan falbh agus tilleadh https://www.bbc.com/naidheachdan/sgeulachdan/czvkqqj1rpro
Tha e a’ cur an òrain Somhairle le Niteworks nam chuimhne, gu h-àraid an liric "Our children are bred for emigration"
#Gàidhlig #ScottishGaelic #Gaelic #mastodaoine #Somhairle #Niteworks #Alba #Scotland
#gaidhlig #scottishgaelic #gaelic #mastodaoine #somhairle #niteworks #alba #scotland
As a wee reminder. I speak and write in mah native language of Shetlandic Broad #Scots. I am one of a dwindling population of speakers in #GreatBritain. This #language is made up of #ScottishGaelic #Scots #English #WestrnNorse and an extinct language callit #Norn.
#norn #westrnnorse #english #scottishgaelic #language #greatbritain #scots
Reminded of this article about indigenous language loss.
It is more accessible as the writer has an audio file too 🎧
#indigenous #gàidhlig #gaelic #ScottishGaelic #Scotland #Language
#language #scotland #scottishgaelic #gaelic #gaidhlig #Indigenous
A bheil duine sam bith eile a' cluiche Facle (mar Wordle ach sa Ghàidhlig)? https://facle.netlify.app/
Tha e spòrsail ach tha mòran facail annasach ann - facail gu math faisg air Beurla nach eil cumanta idir.
Co-dhiù, tha e a' còrdadh rium fhathast. Beagan spòrs anns a' mhadainn!
#gaidhlig #mastodaoine #gaelic #scottishgaelic #facle
Mastodon.scot is a server intended for (but not limited to) users in Scotland or who identify as Scottish:
:Fediverse: https://mastodon.scot
The server is open to speakers of English, Scots and Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic).
If you have any questions, ask their admin @trumpet
#FeaturedServer #Scotland #Scottish #Scots #Gàidhlig #Gaidhlig #Gaelic #ScottishGaelic #Mastodon #Fediverse
#featuredserver #scotland #Scottish #scots #gaidhlig #gaelic #scottishgaelic #mastodon #Fediverse
Essential Scottish Gaelic on Duolingo. 😏🏴🥃
#duolingo #scottishgaelic #whisky #languagelearning
#duolingo #scottishgaelic #whisky #languagelearning
Joy's album os out! YAS!
The Jigs is such a fab track and it's straight in at number 1
#gaidhlig #gaelic #ScottishGaelic #ceòl #mastoradio #nowplaying
#NowPlaying #MastoRadio #ceol #scottishgaelic #gaelic #gaidhlig
I have opinions about spelling reforms
#spelling #scottishgaelic #gaelic #gaidhlig
I really wanted to learn at least some basic #ScottishGaelic. I've never had an affinity with languages, so it probably made little sense to pick one so wildly unlike my native English.
But I wanted to try.
I just can't make the pronunciations fit in my head. The spoken doesn't seem to bear any resemblance to the written and while I'm sure there must be patterns, probably clear as day to #Gaidhlig speakers, I can't see them.
It's just beyond my skill. Sorry, #Scotland.
#scottishgaelic #gaidhlig #scotland #gaelic
If you're in the UK and are learning Scottish Gàidhlig you really should be watching the wonderful, animated Fraochy Bay series.
It's all in Gàidhlig but with English subtitles.
I heartily recommend it!
#Gàidhlig #ScottishGaelic #FraochyBay
(I hope they do another series)
#gaidhlig #scottishgaelic #fraochybay
Là nam pòg toilichte gu a h-uile duine 🤗💖💙
Happy day of kisses (isn't that a better name for the day?!) to everyone.
#valentinesday #gaidhlig #scottishgaelic
And now I want either a weapon, a ship or a nightclub called 'The Guga Blasta'.
#gaelic #scottishgaelic #gaidhlig
Made it around 40 pages through my book about #Bhatarsaigh so far, a page or so at a time on my commute, and slowly started translating the first two pages today. Still plenty that's above my head but really pleased at how much I can just about work out from context.
Translating it will probably take all year even if I do keep it up. But if I do, I'll clone the Notes file, and erase all the Gaelic so I can try and translate it back the way!
#bhatarsaigh #gaelic #scottishgaelic #gaidhlig #languagelearning