🏴 The #ScottishGovernment has published an analysis of responses to its recent #electoralreform consultation.
It covers a wide range of areas, including candidate rights, campaign finance, voter accessibility, and potential #digital reforms such as digital poll cards (which we supported).
#democracy #ukpolitics @politicalscience
👀 ⬇️
#scottishgovernment #electoralreform #digital #democracy #ukpolitics
Reviewing Scotland's National Islands Plan: Share Your Views
"Published in 2019 Scotland’s National Islands Plan was hailed as a game changer. Has it created the transformational changes required in central government and in public bodies that it was intended to do? What needs to improve?"
https://theorkneynews.scot/2023/07/29/reviewing-scotlands-national-islands-plan-share-your-views/ #Consultation, #Islands, #IslandsAct, #NationalIslandsPlan, #ScottishGovernment
#scottishgovernment #nationalislandsplan #islandsact #islands #consultation
Ministers need to be bolder over #Scotland’s #landReform, say campaigners
Despite #ScottishGovernment rhetoric, report says not enough being done to move rural land into #communityOwnership
#CommunityOwnership #scottishgovernment #landreform #scotland
Orkney Islands Council has welcomed £2m from the Scottish Government to improve the energy efficiency of homes across the county, after a record response by local householders to the government’s Heat and Energy Efficiency Scotland scheme.
The 2022-23 project year saw a record £1.5m distributed to households – the most ever spent through the scheme in Orkney.
#energy #energyefficiency #warmerhomes #Orkney #ScottishGovernment
#scottishgovernment #orkney #warmerhomes #energyefficiency #energy
Islands Cost Crisis Emergency Fund: £218,000 Additional Funding to #Orkney #costofliving #funding #islands #ScottishGovernment #energy
#energy #scottishgovernment #islands #funding #costofliving #orkney
Sanday Afternoon Club is one of 53 projects tackling social isolation and loneliness throughout Scotland who have received a share of a new £3.2million fund.
#Sanday #Orkney
#ScottishGovernment #socialisolation #loneliness
#loneliness #socialisolation #scottishgovernment #orkney #sanday
Learning from the #Covid Pandemic : Are Healthcare Workers Being Listened to?
#Scotland #ScottishGovernment #facemasks #PPE #ventilation
#ventilation #ppe #FaceMasks #scottishgovernment #scotland #COVID
BP and Shell have been lobbying the Scottish government under the guise of renewables - https://www.thecanary.co/uk/analysis/2023/07/17/bp-and-shell-have-been-lobbying-the-scottish-government-under-the-guise-of-renewables/ #ClimateDisaster #ClimateEmergency #Climate #BP #Shell #NoMoreOilAndGas #Hydrogen #ScottishGovernment #WesternHypocricy #WesternColonialism #Colonialism
#climatedisaster #climateemergency #climate #bp #shell #nomoreoilandgas #hydrogen #scottishgovernment #westernhypocricy #westerncolonialism #colonialism
Councils, NHS & Government Partnership Agreement: Developing A Scottish National Care Service
#NationalCareService #VerityHouse
#ScottishGovernment #Scotland #NHS #Councils #Care
#care #councils #nhs #scotland #scottishgovernment #verityhouse #nationalcareservice
The Scottish Government’s Croft House Grant has been extended. It is now open for grants of up to £38,000 towards the costs of home energy improvements. This could be: loft or wall insulation; new zero direct emissions heating systems; or upgraded windows and doors.
#housing #crofting #ScottishGovernment #Scotland
#scotland #scottishgovernment #crofting #housing
Junior Doctors in Scotland Suspend Strike Action
#juniordoctors #NHS #ScottishGovernment
#scottishgovernment #nhs #juniordoctors
@CloudyMrs I use the bus a lot and the number of young people on the buses now is really striking. Coincidentally, after the Scottish Govt rolled out the free bus pass for young uns. Oddly, there’s been no coverage in the press of its success
#scottishgovernment #scotland #bustravel #activetravel
#ScottishGovernment floats idea of setting up #CitizensAssembly to consider legalising #drugs in regulated market
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2023/jul/07/teachers-strike-england-pay-keir-starmer-uk-politics-live #ScotGov #Health #FailedWarOnDrugs
#failedwarondrugs #health #scotgov #drugs #citizensassembly #scottishgovernment
#No10 rejects call from #ScottishGovernment for it to be allowed to #decriminalise all #drugs for personal use – #UKpolitics live
Latest updates: No 10 says #RishiSunak has no plans to alter his ‘tough stance’ on drugs
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2023/jul/07/teachers-strike-england-pay-keir-starmer-uk-politics-live #ToryPoliciesInAction #Health #FailedWarOnDrugs
#failedwarondrugs #health #torypoliciesinaction #rishisunak #ukpolitics #drugs #decriminalise #scottishgovernment #No10
Scottish Government Begins its Rewilding Journey - Trees for Life
The Scottish Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor has today (4th July 2023) endorsed a definition of #rewilding that can be used by the #ScottishGovernment and wider public sector.
#scottishgovernment #rewilding
"Scots leader to visit Brussels to foster ties with EU"
#scotland #eu #scottishgovernment
Naidheachdan a' BhBC: "Fàilte air aithisg mu leasachadh eaconomaidh na Gàidhlig"
#Gàidhlig #Gaelic #RiaghaltasNaHAlba #ScottishGovernment #Alba #Scotland #AGhàidhealtachd #Highlands @gaidhlig
#highlands #aghaidhealtachd #scotland #alba #scottishgovernment #RiaghaltasnahAlba #gaelic #gaidhlig
Sabir Zazai OBE, Chief Executive of Scottish Refugee Council said that the service was essential.
Supporting Children in Scotland Seeking Asylum: Guardianship Scotland
#refugees #Scotland #ScottishGovernment #asylum #Children
#children #asylum #scottishgovernment #scotland #refugees
303,000 children were receiving The Scottish Child Payment at the end of March. #poverty #costofliving #ScottishGovernment
#scottishgovernment #costofliving #poverty
Front page of today's Scotland on Sunday: Scottish Government met with oil and gas 200+ times in last 5 years, including:
⚫ Kate Forbes met Equinor inside COP summit in Glasgow
⚫ Sturgeon met INEOS inside Bute House
⚫ Energy minister Paul Wheelhouse met Shell and BP at Venice Opera
Big oil profits at the expense of people and planet. Small wonder we're failing on climate 🔥🌏🔥🌍🔥
#fossilfuels #oil #snp #scottishgovernment #scottishpolitics #scotland #uk #news
#news #uk #scotland #scottishpolitics #scottishgovernment #snp #oil #fossilfuels