I cross from Largs to Millport every single day on the ferry almost it’s had technical faults but usually it’s fixed that day or at the latest another one is drafted in the following day lots of the times if it’s called off it’s because of the weather those complaining about the service are those that really shouldn’t be living on island the same people that usually complain about things we can’t get are the same folk who complain about the ferries Scotland let’s go #ScottishIndependance2023
@ParaHandy Scotland 🏴 will never have cheaper utility, fuel or food bills in this union. It’s time #ScottishIndependance2023
🏴 is speaking, the lion is roaring through our glens, it’s time to start fighting for what’s right and that is our Independence, it has been denied to us now for far too long. The best thing we where ever given is our history back because history always wins, hold that thought 🏴 freedom is just a stone throw away #ScottishIndependance2023
@laurapollock @TheNational Will be working but there in spirit. Here's hoping for a positive result. #ScottishIndependance2023
Well folks it's perfectly clear. The Conservatives lose £Billions of OUR money then give us a fraction of it back then tell us we should all be grateful. 🤔
Let's go Scotland
#ScottishIndependance2023 🏴🇪🇺
Dipping my toe here, twitter seems to be sinking. Care worker who been screwed by the corrupt Tories. Independence supporter. is followback Friday a thing here? #ScottishIndependance2023 #Followbackfriday
#FollowBackFriday #scottishindependance2023
@themingford @RishiSunak #ScottishIndependance2023 can’t come soon enough for Scotland 🏴
@david_colquhoun @Elemjay1 no one lives forever, so it’s time to think not for yourselves but your kids, grandkids & next generation. We missed the boat in 2014, we can’t miss it again. #ScottishIndependance2023
Jeremy Hunt happy to give tax breaks to rich by saying if you earn more than £150k a year you don’t need to pay more tax, so he’s giving a tax break to the rich whilst taken money from the poor nothing changes from westminster, isn’t that enough alone for people to vote for #ScottishIndependance2023
Jeremy Hunt happy to give tax breaks to rich by saying if you earn more than £150k a year you don’t need to pay more tax, so he’s giving a tax break to the rich whilst taken money from the poor nothing changes westminster, there isn’t going be another windfall tax which means oil and gas companies get a break (Like they need one🙄) whilst we pay more for it #YouYesYet #ScottishIndependance2023
#scottishindependance2023 #youyesyet
UKGov can’t have there cake and eat it. Scotland warned you that dragging us out the EU single market and customs union that you would pay a heavy price by way of a break up of the U.K., we’re not expendable do they really think we’re that stupid that we’d accept the same lies that people of England believe it’s not happening anymore I would fight tooth and nail for a free 🏴 to #EndFoodPoverty #EndFuelPoverty #EndHomelessness by voting for #ScottishIndependance2023 think of your family/Friends
#scottishindependance2023 #endhomelessness #endfuelpoverty #endfoodpoverty
Regardless of what the Supreme Court says, they can not hold one nation captive against the will of the people Scotland has voted for the SNP which means, like it or not, an Independence referendum must be delivered Douglas Ross even said “A vote for the SNP, is a vote for independence” that’s now fact the court is a good move it gives us leverage. #ScottishIndependance2023
One for the books folk, Red and blue tories, I would just like to know what else do Scottish Labour need to do before we start erupting at them. Not only do they lie but they cheat there way through everything using the people that trust him to do it, it’s absolutely diabolical Jackie Baillie as well who turned up to Homeless Project Scotland, pretending to care wanting everyone’s votes, knowing she voted for them to be in that position gosh it infuriates me #ScottishIndependance2023 soon as 🏴
So yesterday, Richard Leonard’s wife along with Jackie Baillie appeared on BBC Reporting Scotland, isn’t that collusion with the media with a political biased agenda in a bid to deny democracy. Scottish Labour Party needs to be sued they are continuously misrepresenting the ScotGov and misleading the people it’s dangerous and inhumane to treat the people with such discontent and for what to lie about about the successes of a nation that will do well in the world #ScottishIndependance2023
BBC recieved over 2200 complaints regarding a breach of impartiality, I find this not only a disgrace but very, very predictable particular here in Scotland, the way they collude with opposition parties to undermine independence and just about every service we have here. At what point do we draw a line because this is happening on a daily basis, it doesn’t help anyone and it plays with people lives #ScottishIndependance2023 is completely normal, what isn’t, is denying democracy to the people.
Slowly finding my way. Found and been found by some pals from the #TwitterEscapees #ScottishIndependance2023
#scottishindependance2023 #twitterescapees
Going to list 5 things that are of interest to me to help make connections given that I've just joined the fediverse:
#dogsofmastadon #books #supportingothers #fundraising #scottishindependance2023
I watched in a celeb right up till I heard the camp mates turn around and say he’s only human, this is someone who partied away whilst we where on lockdown, the neglect the country was giving by Matt Hancock was disgusting constant complaints about breaching lockdown rules all this PPE that wasn’t able to be used, the austerity we have seen on the scale it is now all influenced by the rich 400k he’s getting for going in there it’s pure greed #ScottishIndependance2023