These polls are so depressing. All we seem to do is celebrate incredibly marginal poll movements, probably within the margin of error, as if 54% is anywhere near certainty. Nothing seems to move the needle of public opinion more than a few points.
If ‘yes’ can’t get above 60%, even with the current merry-go-round of madness, then maybe the indy movement is on a hiding to nothing.
#indyref2 #scottishindependece #scotland
The only surprise here is that it's not higher given the latest wave of criminality in the Tory government in London, not to mention the defending of the NHS.
#Scottishindependece #SaveTheNHS #SupportTheStrikes #Scotland #TorySleaze
#TorySleaze #scotland #supportthestrikes #savethenhs #scottishindependece
I'm a pensioner living in #Kippen a village near Stirling, a #Scottishindependece supporter.
My retirement is being ruined by my overwhelming anger at the corrupt #Westminster regime.
Anyone know how I go about starting a revolution?
(Can start on Monday after my hospital appointment)
#westminster #scottishindependece #Kippen