The trailer is here, the full film will follow soon after. Ready yourself, for the full technicolour, and supersonic sound, version of James Hogg's 200 year old play, coming to a youtube near you in early 2023!
#ScottishLiterature #Theatre #Literature #Gothic #NineteenthCentury
#jameshogg #nineteenthcentury #gothic #literature #theatre #scottishliterature #scottishlit
Hello! Late with the #Intro post, for reasons, but here I am, interested in reading: #SF; #Fantasy; #Litfic; #Mystery; #Poetry, and other genres.
I grew up with classic #DoctorWho, #StarTrek and #Blakes7, and still love them, including their recent broader and deeper reach.
I'm interested in #Archives, #Reception and #ScottishLit, and hope to get back to studying these one day. I'm also interested in #Textiles.
I'm chronically ill, immuno-suppressed, and clinically vulnerable.
#textiles #scottishlit #reception #archives #blakes7 #StarTrek #doctorwho #poetry #mystery #LitFic #fantasy #sf #intro