RT @GenderCritic@twitter.com
I see everyone's calling the SNP the #ScottishNonceParty again. Here's 12 reminders of why that could be:
1. Ex-Finance Minister, Derek McKay, who resigned after being caught sending 270 messages to a 16 yr old school boy.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GenderCritic/status/1608533754024173571
Allemal schicker als kurze Hosen und weisse Socken in Sandalen.
Und solange er mir nicht weismachen will dass er eine Frau ist, nur weil er so toll in HighHeels laufen kann, ist er mir lieber als die zwei hämischen Highland-Trolle.
RT @fuel_moch@twitter.com
The new 'normal' in Sturgeon's Scotland #ScottishNonceParty
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/fuel_moch/status/1606994217171050496
RT @BrexitBlocklist@twitter.com
The hashtags #NoToSelfID, #RepealTheGRA, #ScottishNonceParty and #SexPests4Indy have been added to our keyword watchlist for the automatic detection and blocklisting of lesphobic, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, and queerphobic hate speech.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrexitBlocklist/status/1605610708980441090
#notoselfid #repealthegra #scottishnonceparty #sexpests4indy