I don't know why, but the Empire seems to be making its presence felt in Finnieston at the moment!
#glasgow #finnieston #stormtrooper #theempire #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart
#scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #theempire #stormtrooper #finnieston #glasgow
I haven't come across a new mural by Negative Destination in a while (probably because I haven't been out running around the streets of Glasgow as much as usual in the last few months), but I came across this great piece yesterday just off Hope Street.
#murals #glasgow #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart
#scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgow #murals
I haven't posted a picture of the Glasgow Penguins on the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow for a while, so here's a cute one of some skateboarding penguins who appeared recently.
#glasgow #glasgowpenguins #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #penguins #kelvinwalkway
#kelvinwalkway #penguins #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgowpenguins #glasgow
New murals going up on Eastvale Place in Glasgow for this weekend's Yardworks Street Art Festival.
#glasgow #streetart #murals #yardworks #swg3 #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #scottishmurals
#scottishmurals #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #swg3 #Yardworks #murals #streetart #glasgow
Love the eyes on this mural from Merchant Lane in Glasgow.
And just a reminder for those who are interested, the Yardworks street art festival is on at SWG3 this weekend. If you like your street art, it's not to be missed.
#glasgow #streetart #murals #glasgowstreetart #scottishmurals #merchantcity #scottishstreetart #yardworks
#Yardworks #scottishstreetart #merchantcity #scottishmurals #glasgowstreetart #murals #streetart #glasgow
Despite today's weather, it looks like the Glasgow Penguins are having a picnic on the Kelvin Walkway!
#glasgow #penguins #glasgowpenguins #thepenguinsinthewall #picnic #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #sculpture
#sculpture #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #picnic #thepenguinsinthewall #glasgowpenguins #penguins #glasgow
Turning Rain Into Beer Since 1885.
One of the Tennent's Brewery murals on Duke Street in Glasgow.
#glasgow #tennents #murals #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #beer #fridaynightbeer
#fridaynightbeer #beer #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #murals #tennents #glasgow
I came across this great mural by Stormie Mills just off Elmbank Street in Glasgow yesterday. Love the style.
#glasgow #murals #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #stormiemills
#stormiemills #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #murals #glasgow
Some new penguins that appeared on the Kelvin Walkway this week from Glasgow Penguins.
#glasgow #glasgowpenguins #penguins #kelvinwalkway #streetart #sculpture #animalsculptures #litterpicking #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #riverkelvin
#riverkelvin #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #litterpicking #animalsculptures #sculpture #streetart #kelvinwalkway #penguins #glasgowpenguins #glasgow
I ran into two of the Glasgow Penguins yesterday well away from ther usual haunt on the Kelvin Walkway. Seems like they'd gone on a bit of an expedition!
#glasgow #glasgowpenguins #stockingfieldjunction #streetart #sculpture #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart
#scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #sculpture #streetart #stockingfieldjunction #glasgowpenguins #glasgow
Some more fun little sculptures have joined the psychedelic snails on the railings opposite the wall where the penguins have taken up residence on the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow. They certainly livens up the morning dog walk!
#glasgow #sculptures #publicart #sculpture #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #caterpillar #fungi #fungus #kelvinwalkway #dogwalk #morningdogwalk
#morningdogwalk #dogwalk #kelvinwalkway #fungus #fungi #caterpillar #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #sculpture #publicart #sculptures #glasgow
Looks like the penguins in the wall by the old Flint Mill on the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow are enjoying a good read in today's sunshine.
#glasgow #glasgowpenguins #penguins #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #kelvinwalkway
#kelvinwalkway #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #penguins #glasgowpenguins #glasgow
I took a friend's daughter along to see the Penguins in the Wall on the Kelvin Walkway today, and she spotted these guys nearby on some railings over by the river. Not too sure how long they've been there, but they look pretty fresh.
#glasgow #kelvinwalkway #snails #sculptures #publicart #animalscuptures #streetart #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart
#glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #streetart #animalscuptures #publicart #sculptures #snails #kelvinwalkway #glasgow
Some new penguins out in the rain in the old wall on the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow.
From The Penguins in the Wall.
#glasgow #glasgowpenguins #kelvinwalkway #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #sculpture #penguins #publicart
#publicart #penguins #sculpture #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #kelvinwalkway #glasgowpenguins #glasgow
I finally got time to track down the last 3 of the 12 amazing little mosaics by Wilma van der Meyden which have been put up around the Thornwood and Partick areas of Glasgow.
If you wish to visit all 12 yourself, you can pick up a map at Nicholl's Gallery on Dumbarton Road where Wilma is currently exhibiting an interesting series of paintings.
#glasgow #streetart #ceramics #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #mosaics
#mosaics #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #ceramics #streetart #glasgow
Looks like the penguins in the wall on the Kelvin Walkway are celebrating Mother's Day, too!
#glasgow #glasgowpenguins #kelvinwalkway #streetart #sculpture #glasgowstreetart #mothersday #mothersday2023 #penguins #ilovepenguins #scottishstreetart
#scottishstreetart #ilovepenguins #penguins #mothersday2023 #mothersday #glasgowstreetart #sculpture #streetart #kelvinwalkway #glasgowpenguins #glasgow
A great, and fun, example of how street art can be used to make a feature out of otherwise ugly street furniture.
This is by Alice Brown (Alice's Illustrations) and is from just outside of Langside Hall on the Southside of Glasgow.
#glasgow #streetart #glasgowstreetart #streetfurniture #langside #pollokshawsroad #streetartworldwide #scottishstreetart #grafitti
#grafitti #scottishstreetart #streetartworldwide #pollokshawsroad #langside #streetfurniture #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgow
I love the effort that SWG3 have put into bringing high quality street art, and a much-needed splash of colour, to the streets of Glasgow.
Really looking forward to their annual Yardworks Street Art festival at the start of May.
#glasgow #streetart #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #murals #scottishmurals #glasgowmurals #yardworks #swg3
#swg3 #Yardworks #glasgowmurals #scottishmurals #murals #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgow
Tennent's Larger Mural on the side of The Rock in Hyndland, Glasgow. I pass this mural a lot, but only got round to photographing it yesterday.
#glasgow #therock #tennentslager #streetart #murals #glasgowmurals #scottishstreetart #scottishmurals #hyndland
#hyndland #scottishmurals #scottishstreetart #glasgowmurals #murals #streetart #tennentslager #therock #glasgow
Today's morning dog walk along the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow found the penguins in the wall by the old flint mill making the most of the unseasonably cold weather. I suppose being penguins, they probably quite like it!
#glasgow #marchsnow
#snowday #penguins #ilovepenguins
#streetart #scottishstreetart #glasgowstreetart #publicsculpture #animals #animalsculpture #glasgowpenguins
#glasgowpenguins #animalsculpture #animals #publicsculpture #glasgowstreetart #scottishstreetart #streetart #ilovepenguins #penguins #snowday #marchsnow #glasgow