Just hit submit on the final rounds of edits for an article on #Disability, #Contagion, and the #Gothic in #Edgeworth and #Scott #IrishStudies #ScottishStudies #DisabilityStudies #MedicalHumanities
#disability #Contagion #gothic #edgeworth #scott #irishstudies #scottishstudies #disabilitystudies #MedicalHumanities
A colleague is asking about a biography that included an anecdote John Gibson #Lockhart used to tell about Walter #Scott. It was something like a visitor came to see Scott, and saw the author himself through a window, but only saw his hand (writing)? Anyone remember where this story is related? @scotlit @bookstodon #ScottishStudies
#lockhart #scott #scottishstudies
Currently reading Deborah A Stone's The Disabled State and thinking about the overlap between vagrancy and #disability in #WalterScott's The Black Dwarf #ScottishStudies #Romanticism #MedHums
#disability #walterscott #scottishstudies #romanticism #medhums