The Entertainer - Rag Time Dance
#ScottJoplin #MarvinHamlisch
Merry-Go-Round Music
#ScottJoplin #MarvinHamlisch
Jazztodon artist of the week: Scott Joplin! How would jazz have been different without his early influence of syncopation, fusion of classical forms and piano techniques with the dance music of the day, and his proto-swing? Plus, top-quality regtime is just beautiful and entertaining music by any standard. Here's one of his gorgeous pieces that you may not have heard, "Solace."
#jazz #scottjoplin #jazztodon #ragtime
#jazz #scottjoplin #jazztodon #ragtime
Musical Interlude: I listened to some Scott Joplin today, and this rag brought back memories...who remembers Juliet Prowse dancing to this on "The Muppet Show"?
"Solace," by Scott Joplin, performed by Phillip Dyson.
#musicalinterlude #scottjoplin #ragtime
Box set of #ScottJoplin’s #ragtime #opera Treemonisha. Two LPs and a softcover book with lyrics, photos of the production, and articles by re-orchestrator Gunther Schuller (the original orchestrations were lost), stage designer Franco Colavecchia, and others. This recording is by the cast of the 1975 Houston Grand Opera production, released in 1976 by Deutsche Granmophon. The title role was played by operatic soprano Carmen Bathrop. This is a stereo release, and I don’t see anything on Discogs about a quad vinyl release but there was a SACD quad re-release in 2014.
🎬 🎧 I loved the music from "The Sting" (1973), and "The Entertainer" theme song was all over Top 40 radio that year.
I didn't learn till later, the movie's theme song and the film's score were adapted (by #MarvinHamlisch) from #ScottJoplin's "The Entertainer" (1902) and other ragtime music. Hamlisch won the #Oscar for "Best Song" and "Best Original Score and Adaptation."
Hamlisch did thank Mr. Joplin when he accepted his Oscars.
#americanhistory #blackhistory #musichistory #piano #Music #oscar #scottjoplin #marvinhamlisch
As the snow continues to fall here in northeast Wisconsin (forecast is around a foot when it’s all said and done), a Thursday morning musical interlude originally composed by Scott Joplin, the second half of the piece (starting around the 3:08 mark) used in the 1974 film “The Sting.”
#scottjoplin #blackhistorymonth #musicofmastodon
Everyone knows of or can recognize Scott Joplin's Ragtime tunes. Joplin once wrote an opera, though: Treemonisha.
I've never seen it performed but it's on my bucket list.
#scottjoplin #blackfediverse #BlackFedi #blackmastodon
More hashtags to get me to know me by, this time some favorite musicians and composers:
#NinaSimone #ErnestoNazareth #TiaAmelia #Pixinguinha #HerculesGomes #JohnFahey #RobbieBasho #BillEvans #HaroldBudd #MississippiJohnHurt #ElizabethCotten #Leadbelly #WoodyGuthrie #DjangoReinhardt #ScottJoplin #WarrenEllis #ArvoPart #HenrykGorecki #Mahler #Ravel #Beethoven #DanielFrancisDoyle #SethSherman #AntonioCarlosJobim #BurtBacharach #DionneWarwick #NickDrake #AlexCameron
#ninasimone #ernestonazareth #tiaamelia #pixinguinha #herculesgomes #johnfahey #robbiebasho #BillEvans #haroldbudd #mississippijohnhurt #elizabethcotten #Leadbelly #woodyguthrie #djangoreinhardt #scottjoplin #warrenellis #arvopart #henrykgorecki #mahler #ravel #beethoven #danielfrancisdoyle #sethsherman #antoniocarlosjobim #burtbacharach #dionnewarwick #nickdrake #alexcameron #musicians #music #favmusicians
Born #otd 24th Nov 1868 - #ScottJoplin.
Here’s a piano roll recording of #Joplin playing his own Maple Leaf Rag. A wonderfully invigorating way to start your Thursday.
#otd #scottjoplin #joplin #ragtime
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Wayne Marshall, Scott Joplin & Matthew Trusler:
🎵 Ragtime Dance
#nowplaying #breakfast #waynemarshall #scottjoplin #matthewtrusler
It's classic fingerstyle virtuoso, early recording artist, and banjo maker Fred Van Eps :fve: #banjomojis #scottjoplin #ragtime #banjo #mapleleafrag
#mapleleafrag #banjo #ragtime #scottjoplin #banjomojis
One thing people say a lot is that Scott Joplin wanted to elevate Ragtime to a better-respected musical form, and that seems pretty clear listening to Gladiolus Rag as played by Joshua Rifkin. It's really something #ragtime #scottjoplin #joshuarifkin #piano
#piano #joshuarifkin #scottjoplin #ragtime
Lovestruck Balladeers' multi-instrumental arrangement of Gladiolus Rag is quite lovely. #lovestruckballadeers #scottjoplin #ragtime
#ragtime #scottjoplin #lovestruckballadeers
If listening to Maple Leaf Rag doesn't make you want to learn how to play piano you're a cop #nowplaying #tootradio #scottjoplin #ragtime
#ragtime #scottjoplin #tootradio #nowplaying