The Marshall Report on the #SupremeCourtLeaks #scotusLeak makes clear that NONE of the actual SCOTUS judges were investigated. To me that means it is known that one of the judges did the leaking and a cover up is desired. If SCOTUS took MY suggestion on how to actually PRINT these decisions, we might already know who leaked it. Listen to my 3 min video on document tracking:
Here is the Vanity Fair article on the leak investigation
#SupremeCourtLeaks #scotusLeak
Because they *can’t* find who leaked the Dobbs decision—we know it’s either Alito or Thomas. #scotus #dobbs #scotusleak #robertscourt
Because—had it been any other justice, especially, a non-ideologue federalist society Justice — that’d be found, announced & punished.
#robertscourt #scotusLeak #dobbs #SCOTUS
The Supreme Leaks
Is the right still crying about the Dobbs leak?
Justices have been hob-nobbing with far right activists, including a group that bought property and set up shop right across the street from the Supreme Court.
Gotta wonder what role Ginni Thomas plays in this…
#abortionrights #scotus #scotusLeak
Roberts: How dare the public question the integrity of the court!
Alito: Leak my beer.
Overturning #RoevWade isn’t only detrimental to #women but also men. Some may not wish to have their lives drastically changed/effected by an unplanned pregnancy. Sadly, there're already enough ill-equipped, struggling parents & neglected kids in the world. #prolife at the expense of harming others/ restricting liberty is backward & naive thinking. One already knows well, adoption is not a solution. #abortion #scotusleak #RoeVWadeprotest #prochoice #WomensRight #equality #scotusLeak #roevswade
#roevswade #equality #WomensRight #prochoice #RoeVWadeprotest #scotusLeak #abortion #prolife #women #RoevWade
The scotus wanting to overturn rvw is very stressful. I have friends who've needed life saving abortions and absolutely would not be here today if they had no access to them. While I have not yet needed that service I absolutely will be affected in some way by the decisions this will no doubt bring along. #rvwade #scotusLeak #healthcare
#healthcare #scotusLeak #rvwade
@PhillyV @greyknight33 @kgibson
Would you consider using a hashtag to tie all the various typical conversations together?
#roevwade or #scotus or #scotusLeak perhaps?