can someone sponsor Clarence Thomas for a submarine ride to the Titanic?
#clarencethomas #scotuscorruption
Justice Thomas Reports Private Trips With Harlan Crow
#SCOTUS #SCOTUSgrift #SCOTUScorruption
#SCOTUS #scotusgrift #scotuscorruption #scotusgate #scotusgop
2.The Ethics In Government Act is a law. Enforce it.
There is something more fundamental that demands DOJ investigation - from 2000-2009 Thomas disclosed assets (all illiquid) totaling between $150-410K.
During that period, they earned at least $5M that can be documented.
It doesn't add up.
Especially considering all the expenses they *could* have paid but didn't have to. Travel. Vacations. Tuition. And now (possibly) even his RV.
The Ethics In Government Act is a law. There is too much here NOT to investigate. And Congress and DOJ are not doing their job.
Sincere question...Who is going to make the report to the IRS criminal division or FBI tip line?
#corrupt #scotus #tax #law #SCOTUScorruption #fedilaw #lawfedi #IRS #DoJcivil
#corrupt #scotus #tax #law #scotuscorruption #fedilaw #lawfedi #irs #dojcivil
“Clarence Thomas’s $267,230 R.V. and the Friend Who Financed It”
Ckarence Thomas - there is a tax issue if Thomas RV loan was forgiven in whole or part and not recorded as income on his #taxes.
And there might be #gift tax on behalf of the donor/lender. That person probably deducted it, which is also wrong if it was supposed to be a loan.
What his benefactor, Anthony Welters, "a close friend who made his fortune in the health care industry" said was "the loan was satisfied." Don't you love that wording?
#corrupt #scotus #tax #law #SCOTUScorruption #fedilaw #lawfedi #IRS #DoJcivil
#taxes #gift #corrupt #scotus #tax #law #scotuscorruption #fedilaw #lawfedi #irs #dojcivil
NEW: several lawyers- including on who successfully argued to end affirmative action - SENT MONEY via Venmo to a top aide of Clarence fucking Thomas.
#corrupt #scotus #law #fedilaw #SCOTUScorruption
#corrupt #scotus #law #fedilaw #scotuscorruption
when my thoughts are literally murderous about the political upheavels in this country, shit is majorly fucked up
im honestly considering getting a gun for protection at this point
where does it fucking end?
#scotuscorruption #fuckscotus #fuckclarencethomas #fuckbigots #fucknazis #lgbtqia #abortion
#scotuscorruption #fuckscotus #fuckclarencethomas #fuckbigots #fucknazis #lgbtqia #abortion
HC: Hey, Clarence.
Know why you’re here
with us?
CT: Because we’re friends,
HC: Affirmative.
Affirmative action.
If I’m going to own White
Supreme Court justices,
I’m going to own a Black
one, too, by golly!
#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #AffirmativeAction #JudicialEthics #HarlanCrow #ClarenceThomas #DotingThomas #LeonardLeo #FederalistSociety #QuidProQuo #SCOTUScorruption
#dotingthomas #affirmativeaction #scotuscorruption #quidproquo #clarencethomas #federalistsociety #LeonardLeo #harlancrow #judicialethics #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS
#SCOTUS seems to be doing everything in its power to destroy everyone except uneducated white men. Guess who votes republican? #SCOTUScorruption
After delivering their rulings, which Supreme Court Justices will now board the yachts and jets of rich friends of similar ideology to rest on luxury vacations?
#SCOTUScorruption #illegitimate #SCOTUS #bribes #christofascist
#scotuscorruption #illegitimate #scotus #bribes #christofascist
The Servant Foundation has been donating hundreds of millions of dollars to the Alliance Defending Freedom to get these cases into courts. This is coordinated Christian Nationalism at play.
The #corrupt Supreme Court just gave businesses the right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people based on a completely made up story. This should be a massive scandal.
#corrupt #scotuscorruption #illegitimate #scotus
Has there ever been an institution as dedicated to promoting straight, white, male, Christian privilege as this Supreme Court? (Other than say, the KKK or Nazis?) Two knee-buckling blows to students seeking to make it against the odds in America this week.
Affirmative action gone.
Student loan forgiveness gone.
Granting business the right to refuse service to members of the LGBTQ community.
All gutted in just one week because of a christ-fascist republican stacked Supreme Court, #corrupt as the day is long.
This is grim moment in our history. And the only antidote is to ensure Democrats win the White House, the Senate and the House in 2024 and that we can begin to strip away the unfair, inhumane advantages these white supremacists are seeking to reinforce within our society.
#corrupt #scotuscorruption #scotus #fascist
@jackiegardina Recall last month during national wetlands month, the #corrupt #SCOTUS gutted EPA protection for our wetlands. Allowing corporations to pollute and contaminate our wetlands and thus destroying our safe water supply.
This is how #fascist do it, with exceptional cruelty.
#corrupt #scotus #fedilaw #law #democracy #uspols #fascist #scotuscorruption
As this retired federal judge and law professor point out, Judge Alito “misstated the law” in his self-serving defense of billionaire-funded travels. In court, you’d run into a “candor to the tribunal” problem if you tried that.
#corrupt #SCOTUS #SCOTUScorruption
#corrupt #scotus #scotuscorruption
I don’t know about anyone else (and I’m certainly not a Constitutional Law scholar), but I’m getting nervous with all these SCOTUS decisions ignoring multiple years of precedents and upheld high court decisions.
What’s next?
Women voting?
All Civil Rights & social justice legislation?
School prayer?
Brown v. Board of Education
While MAGA mouthpieces like Trump, DeSantis, Cruz, Greene, and Boebert fire up their deplorable base by raging about “owning the libs,” Harlan Crow, Leonard Leo, and Paul Singer are buying the conservatives, SCOTUS justices that is: Thomas, Alito, and others.
#SCOTUS #JudicialEthics #SCOTUScorruption #ClarenceThomas #SamuelAlito #HarlanCrow #LeonardLeo #PaulSinger #FederalistSociety
#federalistsociety #paulsinger #LeonardLeo #harlancrow #SamuelAlito #clarencethomas #scotuscorruption #judicialethics #SCOTUS
Of course, the BIGGEST FISH big fish got hooked and reeled in that day was a bottom-feeder with sketchy scales: ALITO.
Justice Thomas didn’t attend this outing, because Singer wasn’t interested in any sole at the time.
#SamuelAlito #PaulSinger #QuidProQuo #JudicialEthics #SCOTUScorruption #SCOTUSforSale
#scotusforsale #scotuscorruption #judicialethics #quidproquo #paulsinger #SamuelAlito
Elie Mystal
@ElieNYC @thenation
has been working on a new podcast. It's called Contempt of Court and it will be a limited series where I talk about Supreme Court reform. The theory and politics behind each major aspect out there
#SCOTUScorruption #SCOTUSiscompromised
#BlackMastodon #SCOTUSIsCompromised #scotuscorruption
OMG---just watched Chris Hayes from last night.
Zephyr Teachout has written a book on corruption. She explains the shift in SCOTUS corruption happened whe Alito replacing Sandra Day O'Connor 2006-references stripping away of donor limits pushed by Alito & other rulings leading up to disastrous Citizens United....ALITO is KEY. What a POS he is...& his OP ED just made it way way worse.....(see my pinned post which I will be sending it to him via letter, too) #ScotusCorruption
cc: @GottaLaff