There's a sexual predator as a sitting justice on the United States Supreme Court. #SCOTUS
He needs to go. Now.
If we could also get the perjurer (Barrett), the troll who commits serial conflict of interest (Thomas), and the one who twisted the Constitution into a pretzel to write the Dobbs decision (Alito), we'd be even better off.
And they need to adopt, or be legislated into adopting, a code of conduct.
#scotus #scotuscorrupt #scotusillegitimate #impeachkavanaugh
Gail Curley, the #SCOTUS marshal, said on Friday that she spoke with the justices as part of her investigation into the #Dobbs #SCOTUSleak but that the justices – unlike court employees – were not asked to swear under penalty of perjury that they were not responsible for the leak. 🤔 #SCOTUSisCorrupt #SCOTUSillegitimate #ImpeachThomasAlitoRoberts
#scotus #dobbs #SCOTUSleak #scotusiscorrupt #scotusillegitimate #impeachthomasalitoroberts
#SCOTUSillegitimate #ImpeachThomasAlitoRoberts
#scrotus #scotusillegitimate #impeachthomasalitoroberts
@JosephMeyer @markjacob Roberts has now destroyed any remains veneer of credibility for himself & #SCOTUS This farcical sham of an #SCOTUSinvestigation into #SCOTUSLeaker exposes him as nothing more than a corrupt, partisan hack, same as CONServatives #Alito & #Thomas
#ImpeachThomasAlitoRoberts #SCOTUSillegitimate #SCOTUSisBroken
#scotus #scotusinvestigation #scotusleaker #alito #thomas #impeachthomasalitoroberts #scotusillegitimate #scotusisbroken
@markjacob 💯% 🎯 Corrupt Chief CON John Roberts has destroyed any veneer of credibility, #SCOTUS legitimacy & all remaining doubt that he is anything but a partisan hack. #SCOTUSisCorrupt #SCOTUSillegitimate #ImpeachThomasAlitoRoberts
#scotus #scotusiscorrupt #scotusillegitimate #impeachthomasalitoroberts
@parislady1492 @lolgop Not only did Roberts not do squat about Clarence & #GinniThomas #payforplay self-dealing corruption, #TrumpCoupAttempt #ConflictOfInterests but he appointed court Marshall w/no investígation experience, apparently no justices or their spouses were interviewed/questioned, yet Roberts made conclusive comment “misguided protest” despite conveniently inconclusive investigation. 🤬 #JohnRobertsPartisanHack #SCOTUScorrupt #SCOTUSillegitimate
#GinniThomas #payforplay #TrumpCoupAttempt #conflictofinterests #johnrobertspartisanhack #scotuscorrupt #scotusillegitimate
Another slap in the face & cruel joke by CONservative Chief [in]justice #JohnRoberts 🤬
#SCOTUSisBroken #SCOTUSisCorrupt #SCOTUSillegitimate #SCOTUSLeaker #SCOTUSinvestigation #ImpeachThomasAlitoRoberts #LockThemUp
#johnroberts #scotusisbroken #scotusiscorrupt #scotusillegitimate #scotusleaker #scotusinvestigation #impeachthomasalitoroberts #lockthemup