Have I just missed all the skits where lawyers present gifts to the Supreme Court instead of arguments, or is satire dead? #scotusiscompromised
There is nothing 'Supreme' about our Supreme Court unless you are saying they are Supreme Criminals. #SCOTUSIsCompromised
@fmhilton Like I've said, when I grow up I want to own a Supreme court justice 🙄 And they'll have to post ridiculous arguments every day except Monday.
#SCOTUSEthics #SCOTUSIsCorrupt #SCOTUSIsCompromised #firethomas
#scotusethics #scotusiscorrupt #scotusiscompromised #firethomas
"According to the complaint, nearly 70% of legacy and donor-related applicants to the school identify as white. The effects of #LegacyAdmissions preference, LCR director Ivan Espinoza-Madrigal suggests, are deeply inequitable.
“Why are we rewarding children for privileges and advantages accrued by prior generations?” Espinoza-Madrigal asked BBC News. “Your family’s last name and the size of your bank account are not a measure of merit, and should have no bearing on the #CollegeAdmissions process.”"
#affirmativeaction #scotus #SocialJustice #Harvard #scotusiscompromised
#legacyadmissions #collegeadmissions #affirmativeaction #scotus #SocialJustice #harvard #scotusiscompromised
They're not called the Lowest Common Denominator for nothing. #scotusiscompromised
Hey, give #justicethomas a break! He's recognized that a tissue of lies will no longer cut it, and it takes time to use up an entire boxful. 😄
#scotusethicsrules #scotusiscompromised
#justicethomas #scotusethicsrules #scotusiscompromised
watch-dem-senators-viral-video-reveals-scalia-accepted-over-70-undisclosed-gifts-of-vacations-like-clarence-thomas/ #scotus #scotusstench #scotusiscompromised #politics
#scotus #scotusstench #scotusiscompromised #politics
@WagnerTonight everyone needs to write the supreme court every day. Ask them politely to establish ethics rules and an IG to help with oversight.
#scotus #scotuscorruption #scotusiscompromised
@Agora but he disclosed another one time payment. This is corruption.
#scotusiscompromised #scotuscorruption
Even some Republican judges say so.
#scotuscorruption #scotusiscompromised
#Roberts is putting more effort into opposing ethic reforms than he puts into the actual work of the #court. Thou doth protest too much, I believe. Not even that big, billowy robe can mask the fear and desperation Roberts emanates.
#roberts #court #SCOTUS #scotusiscompromised #scotuscorruption
Expand the Court.
After what they've done to women & the revelations about the corruption why in the world would he think anyone would defend the SCOTUS? https://jezebel.com/sam-alito-says-criticism-of-supreme-court-is-unfair-pr-1850388904 #scotus #scotusstench #scotusiscompromised #politics
#scotus #scotusstench #scotusiscompromised #politics