At the #Wychwood festival. #ScoutingForGirls were excellent, but even better were #Sleeper. Fiancée is worried that I’m mesmerised by Louise Wener and I’m in no position to allay her fears. ❤️
#sleeper #scoutingforgirls #wychwood
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #RobBeckett
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 This Ain't A Love Song
#nowplaying #RobBeckett #scoutingforgirls
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio100s
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 It's Not About You
#nowplaying #radio100s #bbcr1 #scoutingforgirls
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 This Ain't A Love Song
#nowplaying #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow #scoutingforgirls
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #JeremyVine
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 This Ain't A Love Song
#nowplaying #JeremyVine #scoutingforgirls
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio100s
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 She's So Lovely
#nowplaying #radio100s #bbcr1 #scoutingforgirls
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OJBorg
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 This Ain't A Love Song
#nowplaying #OJBorg #scoutingforgirls
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 This Ain't A Love Song
#nowplaying #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow #scoutingforgirls
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1Anthems
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 She's So Lovely
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#nowplaying #radio1anthems #bbcr1 #scoutingforgirls
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #SaraCox
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 She's So Lovely
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#nowplaying #SaraCox #scoutingforgirls
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #JeremyVine
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 This Ain't A Love Song
#nowplaying #JeremyVine #scoutingforgirls
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OwainWynEvans
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 This Ain't A Love Song
#nowplaying #owainwynevans #scoutingforgirls
Tom is now listening to Dancing In the Daylight
Tom is now listening to Neon Lights
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow
Scouting for Girls:
🎵 This Ain't A Love Song
#nowplaying #TheZoeBallBreakfastShow #scoutingforgirls
Tom is now listening to Butterflies
Tom is now listening to Elvis Ain't Dead
Tom is now listening to Elvis Ain't Dead
Tom is now listening to This Is a Love Song
A Christmas song for the Ruislipians out there by local band Scouting For Girls. It's about the 'Victorian Evenings' in Ruislip back in the 90s when they shut the High Street for a Christmas Fayre. I used to go along myself and it brought back memories when I heard the song on the radio.
The band talk about it on the Spotify commentary for the song (Video location is Marlborough, UK)
#ruislip #NWLondon #london #zone6 #ChristmasSong #ScoutingForGirls #marlborough #wilts
#ruislip #nwlondon #london #zone6 #christmassong #scoutingforgirls #marlborough #wilts