Chelsea K · @Chelseak
22 followers · 462 posts · Server

Hear, O sons, the instruction of a father, And give attention that you may gain understanding, For I give you sound teaching; Do not abandon my instruction. When I was a son to my father, Tender and the only son in the sight of my mother, read more. Then he taught me and said to me, “Let your heart hold fast my words; Keep my commandments and live; (Proverbs 4:1-4)

#wordmatch #scrambled #crossword #fillin #wordsearch #biblestories #bookmarketing #booklover #bookclubreads #BookClub #bookreadingclub #bookreader #bookpromotion #kindlebooklovers #worldwidebooklover #books #kids #childrenbooklover #childrenbooks #ebooks #bible #teachingkids #paperbackbook #recreation #kidsactivities #kobo #puzzle #ebook #fun #bibleteaching #puzzles #teaching #BarnesandNoble #kidsbooks #christian #childrensbook

Last updated 2 years ago

Hebrew by Inbal · @hebrewbyinbal
112 followers · 252 posts · Server
Chelsea K · @Chelseak
21 followers · 409 posts · Server

This fun puzzle book will test your teenager's knowledge of the Bible with 5 different kinds of puzzles packed in one book. Easy to read type, these bible puzzles make it easier to solve. It includes people, places, and events. This book is a series of word searches, word matching, scrambled, fill-in, and crosswords.
Hear, my son, your father’s instruction. And do not forsake your mother’s teaching; Indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head. And ornaments about your neck. (Proverbs 1:8-9)

#wordmatch #scrambled #crossword #fill #wordsearch #biblestories #kidsbook #books #youth #childrenbooks #ebooks #bible #teachingkids #paperbackbook #ebook #bibleteaching #teaching #puzzles #puzzlebooks #biblepuzzles #kindlebooks #kindleunlimited #kindle #Amazon #Biblicalpuzzlebook #kidsbooks #christian #childrensbook

Last updated 2 years ago

ernstd · @ernstd
902 followers · 686 posts · Server
bundeskater🌱 · @bundeskater
162 followers · 287 posts · Server

| es mit , selbstgebackenem , frischgepressten Orangensaft und Popp Fleischfreisalat.
Jetzt ist das Bett trotz Tablett voller Krümel 😊

vegan with tofu, homemade , freshly squeezed orange juice and Popp Fleischfreisalat.
Now the bed is full of crumbs despite the tray 😊

#vegan #frühstück #Rührtofu #toast #breakfast #scrambled

Last updated 3 years ago