@eveningperson They didn't even get to exercise their right to free speech. They were arrested without reason before they did anything. If Charles wanted a way of showing how utterley out of touch and out of date the monarchy is, then this is a good start. #scrapthemonarchy
It occurs to me that as we, the taxpayers, pay the royal family's salaries, they are in fact our staff. My car needs washing and the lawn needs mowing, so charlie boy better stop fucking about in the mall and get his arse over and earn his keep. That good for nothing sponger Camilla can also hurry up as we have a pile of ironing needs sorting out. Apols if that offends anyone as sexist, I'm more than happy they swap roles. #scrapthemonarchy
Had to run the TV off. Every channel flag-waving, brain dead, subservient, royalists, and the main topic? Should the police have beards. FFS. #scrapthemonarchy #gtto
Or even as a small wedding , done in a registry office with a few friends and hangers on.
#scrapthemonarchy #coronationtat
In our small cul de sac of houses the rest have decorated with bunting and pics of the king. Very festive.
We have an appropriate reposte, having organised for solar panels to be fitted......we have scaffolding instead of bunting.
And in 2 hours we escape.....
Our village is going to have a coronation party for King Charles. Would it be wrong to attend dressed as a zombie Princess Diana? Asking for a friend. #scrapTheMonarchy
Scrap the Monarchy - help Kunt and the Gang with some lyrics for their coronation song: https://katg.co.uk/
#scrapthemonarchy #anarchy