Ich hab hier übrigens noch einen Glamourshot von meiner inzwischen fertig bemalten Seeschlange für euch.
Die Bühnenbauer der Arena sind zufrieden und machen Feierabend.
Hoffe meine lieben Spieler*innen haben damit Spaß. 😁 Ich hatte ihn beim Basteln jedenfalls. #DSA #pnpDE #terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding #terrain #Piratenrunde
#dsa #pnpde #terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding #terrain #Piratenrunde
Ein Wochenende Arbeit an meiner kleinen Kampfflotte für die Arena. Die im Finale Stehenden werden gegen eine "Seeschlange" und deren Besatzung anzutreten haben.
Es ist weiterhin viel zu tun, die Farben sind gerademal die Grundfarben. Da fehlen noch alle Akzente. Aber für heute ist Feierabend. 🤪
#terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding #terrain #pnpDE #Piratenrunde #DSA #ttrpg
#terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding #terrain #pnpde #Piratenrunde #dsa #ttrpg
I think Ethel ("Efl") is done. Here's an album of her from all angles: https://imgur.com/a/U3uut0q
#Orks #scratchbuilt #scratchbuilding #Ork #Gorkamorka #warhammer40k #WarRig #FuryRoad #MadMax
#Orks #scratchbuilt #scratchbuilding #ork #gorkamorka #warhammer40k #warrig #furyroad #madmax
I have a tendency, lingering from growing up in the '90s, to hoard. Not to a dangerous degree but more in terms of saving things for "something special" but not being able to determine when that is.
I'm trying to break that habit and use many of the awesome things I have.
To that end I'm doing things like this #scratchbuilding project - creating an #Ork #WarRig (#FuryRoad).
The trailer still needs extensive work but the cabin is about 95% done. The hard part is knowing when to stop.
#scratchbuilding #ork #warrig #furyroad
The stone conveyor #structure I've been building for a while is almost completed. Just have the walkway fencing to finish, then it can be permanently installed on my HO scale '2 in 1' model railway layout. These photos are of the structure in place on the layout, but not yet permanently fixed to it.
#hoscale #modeltrains #modelrailway #modelrailroad #scalemodelling #scratchbuilding
#structure #hoscale #modeltrains #modelrailway #modelrailroad #scalemodelling #scratchbuilding
A #structure I've been working on for about a week for my 2-in-1 HO scale model railway layout. It is a covered 'over the track' conveyor for crushed stone, and a small #building at the end which houses a chute which is used to load railway hopper cars.
The model is made from #balsa , corrugated #cardboard painted to look like corrugated iron, match stick like wood pieces, and printed industrial door.
#hoscale #modelrailways #modeltrains #scratchbuilt #scratchbuilding #modelrailwayscratchbuild #modelrailroad
#structure #building #balsa #cardboard #hoscale #modelrailways #modeltrains #scratchbuilt #scratchbuilding #modelrailwayscratchbuild #modelrailroad
Other than a name for him, my #SonsOfSonora #SpaceMarine #ChaplainDreadnought is finished.
He's a normal plastic dreadnought underneath - all the extras were sculpted by me.
#scratchbuilding #Warhammer #Warhammer40K #minipainting #Wargaming #Miniatures
#miniatures #wargaming #minipainting #warhammer40k #warhammer #scratchbuilding #chaplaindreadnought #spacemarine #sonsofsonora
I finished my #Ork fort over the weekend. I threw together a ~1 minute long video tour:
#wargaming #scratchbuilt #warhammer40k #warhammer #scratchbuilding #Orks #gorkamorka
#gorkamorka #Orks #scratchbuilding #warhammer #warhammer40k #scratchbuilt #wargaming #ork
This fort wall is coming along nicely. My #Ork fort stalled for a bit but it's back on track!
#wargaming #miniatures #ScratchbuiltTerrain #scratchbuilding #warhammer #warhammer40k #gorkamorka #minipainting #orks
#Orks #minipainting #gorkamorka #warhammer40k #warhammer #scratchbuilding #ScratchbuiltTerrain #miniatures #wargaming #ork
More scratch building fun
#scratchbuild #modeling #modelmaking #sculpture #art #scratchbuilding
#scratchbuilding #art #sculpture #modelmaking #modeling #scratchbuild
Making some kinda like condenser tower looking thing or something like from tatooine. So far made out of a Yakult bottle, a ginger juice bottle, a broken lamp base, some round and square ice cube trays, an egg cup & other random trash plus styrene sheet
Currently casting greeblies out of green stuff for details & need to add some conduit & wiring & other bits and pieces before sanding/filing and then paint
#model #scalemodel #modelmaking #scratchbuilding #kitbashing #modeling #art #sculpture
#sculpture #art #modeling #kitbashing #scratchbuilding #modelmaking #scalemodel #model
I have now cast enough parts for half a kill team board, and had a bit of an epiphany as to how to make the board seamless for all three possible game modes (kill team, boarding actions and zone mortalis)
#warhammmercommunity #warhammer40k #miniatures #scratchbuilding #scratchbuiltterrain #resincasting
#warhammmercommunity #warhammer40k #miniatures #scratchbuilding #scratchbuiltterrain #resincasting
Operation spaceship floor is coming along nicely. The masters had their bath in goop and I'm now churning out floor tiles. I've got one corner piece assembled, 15 more to go.
The original plan to cast them under vacuum didn't work out on the basis that they're too thin and set up too quickly, but the racks I made still work fairly well for storage.
#warhammmercommunity #warhammer40k #miniatures #scratchbuilding #scratchbuiltterrain #resincasting
#warhammmercommunity #warhammer40k #miniatures #scratchbuilding #scratchbuiltterrain #resincasting
My #Gorkamorka #Ork fort is ready for detailing. It's got some details already (like the mine access) but it's now time for rivets, clutter, and decorations.
#scratchbuilding #ScratchbuiltTerrain #wargaming #ork #gorkamorka
Viele Abenteurer*innen sind oft am Zelten, denn zum Leidwesen der Beteiligten und Freude der #Spielleitung gibt es nicht überall sichere Gasthäuser.
Wenn ihr ein solch nettes Zeltlager mit #Terrain darstellen wollt, schaut gerne in diesen taufrischen Blogeintrag: https://www.pen-and-pinsel.de/handwerkliches.html#a1471
Da gibt es eine Anleitung, wie man das mit Trinkhalmen und Allzwecktüchern basteln kann.
#terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding #allerleiSpielleitung #pnpDE #ttrpg
#spielleitung #terrain #terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding #AllerleiSpielleitung #pnpde #ttrpg
Funfact zum Projekt: Es wurden bisher ca. 1296 Schindeln geschnitzt und die meisten davon auch verbaut. Wir sind bei etwas weniger als der halben Dachfläche.
Woher kenne ich die Anzahl? Jeder stir stick ergibt 8 Schindeln und es bleibt ein kleines Ende übrig. Die Enden habe ich für hinterlistige Zwecke zur weiteren Verwendung aufgehoben und gerade mal durchgezählt. 🤪
#terrainbuilding #terrain #Modellbau #scratchbuilding #pnpDE
#terrainbuilding #terrain #Modellbau #scratchbuilding #pnpde
Der letzte Rest Holzleim wurde vom Finger gezupft, Schluss für heute. Es wurde Fortschritt erzielt. Hier sieht es ein bisschen nach Schreinerwerkstatt aus und meine Finger sehnen sich nach ein wenig Ruhe. 🙂
Mini Louisa ~28mm for scale.
#terrain #terrainbuilding #scratchbuilding
This very issue from 1982 spurred my love of scratch building whenI was a kid. Fast forward (too) many years and seeing one of the photos from within posted here in IG, made me remember it well and thought it might be a great addition to not only the library but also to spark interests in the lad for scratch building models for use on the #battletech battlefield. I tracked down a mint copy in the UK on ebay. Wild.
#scifi #scifiart #modelmaking #scratchbuilding #scifibooks #art #design
#design #art #scifibooks #scratchbuilding #modelmaking #scifiart #SciFi #battletech
I'm working on a piece of #Gorkamorka terrain (a fort) and it needs access to a mine shaft (Orks build their forts around buried scrap metal). If you're curious it's built on the power adapter for a Iomega Zip drive - parallel port version.
When working on it I had the lifts from Fallout and Fallout 2 floating around in my head. I was flabbergasted this morning to see someone on the Gorkamorka FB group pick up on that.
#scratchbuild #scratchbuilding #wargaming #wargames #warhammer #styrene
#Styrene #warhammer #wargames #wargaming #scratchbuilding #scratchbuild #gorkamorka
I know what it's going to be but can you guess?
#warhammer #gorkamorka #terrain #wargaming #scratchbuilding