DaveM · @DaveMW
0 followers · 30 posts · Server mastodon.world
Jennifer Ebeling · @GardenerPodcast
575 followers · 451 posts · Server mindly.social

One last before ...

Augustus was a lad;
Augustus had:

And everybody saw with
The and , Boy.

He ate and as he was told,
And never let his get .

But one Day, one 's day,
He out, 'Take the Soup Away!
O take the Soup Away!
I won't have Any Soup Today.'

- Heinrich , & ,

#poem #bedtime #chubby #fat #ruddy #cheeks #joy #plump #hearty #healthy #drank #soup #cold #winter #screamed #nasty #hoffmann #German #writer #poet #augustus #poetry #writing #author #wintertime #brrr

Last updated 2 years ago