Back in Chicago. Figured Iโ€™d take the train into town from the airport. Train breaks down before we even get to the first stop. Sitting on the track for over half an hour, and theyโ€™re trying to get everyone into fewer cars. Oh, and itโ€™s 100 degrees. Literally.

#screaminginside #whatannoysme

Last updated 1 year ago

errors=panic · @minx
346 followers · 9828 posts · Server

I don't know if I ever did an post on here, so here's one:

Hi, I'm Minx and I'm a . I have and -issues, which tends to make me less-than-social and low . (But I started working on those, so yay!)

People describe me as but I'm actually . ๐Ÿ˜†

I love , , and pretty much anything to do with . (!!! :blobaww: )

There are still traces of schooling in me, I guess.

#art #books #paper #dippens #fountainpens #notebooks #screaminginside #reallychill #spoons #anxiety #depression #dad #bisexual #queer #introduction

Last updated 7 years ago