The Sinner. Ab 4:40
Postet es bitte in die Kommentare, welcher Sänger (Sängerin) die hohen Töne live so hinbekommt beim #screamingmetal wie Rob Halford
In einem Punkt hatten die Schwurbler doch recht: Es gibt einen Reptiloiden. Sein Name ist Rob Halford. Ab Minute 4 "are you high?" Das ist nicht von diesem Planeten.
#screamingmetal #RobHalford
"Screaming Metal (Part 010)"
Is it possible Il'on is still functioning? The crew of the Alley Cat have their misgivings about recovering its braincore...
#spaceopera #scifi #fiction #ScreamingMetal #mfic
#spaceopera #scifi #fiction #screamingmetal #mfic
"Screaming Metal" - A team of junk-mercs uncovers a fully functional, yet insane alien AI.
#spaceopera #scifi #fiction #ScreamingMetal
All parts:
#spaceopera #scifi #fiction #screamingmetal
A bit too long to post here, but if you are interested, you can read it all, for free, at OMNI:
#fiction #scifi #spaceopera #ScreamingMetal
#fiction #scifi #spaceopera #screamingmetal
#fiction #spaceopera #scifi #ScreamingMetal
Screaming Metal
©2017, Made in DNA
The slam and crunch of alien-woven metal echoed in the thick, morning fog that hung over the valley as the two goliaths collided.
Squawks of digital rage shredded innumerable open commfreqs, bearing witness to the eons of ferocity between two sentient machines.
Eager to disable and destroy, licks and flashes of weaponsfire lashed out – perforating armor, damaging systems, seeking critical points.
#fiction #spaceopera #scifi #screamingmetal