On August 27, 1932, Doctor X debuted in the United States. Marking the occasion with some Fay Wray art!
#DoctorX #MichaelCurtiz #FayWray #PrestonFoster #ScienceFiction #Horror #HorrorSciFi #SciFiHorror #PrecodeFilm #MidnightMovies #ScreamQueen #Art #ClassicFilm #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#doctorx #michaelcurtiz #faywray #prestonfoster #sciencefiction #horror #horrorscifi #scifihorror #precodefilm #midnightmovies #screamqueen #art #classicfilm #movieart #moviehistory
Remembering classic film icon and prototypal Scream Queen, Fay Wray on the anniversary of her death.
R.I.P. (1907 - 2004)
#RestInPeace #FayWray #HorrorMovies #ClassicFilm #Horror #Art #FanArt #RIP #OnThisDay #MonsterMovies #ScreamQueen #Movies #KingKong
#restinpeace #faywray #horrormovies #classicfilm #horror #art #FanArt #rip #onthisday #monstermovies #screamqueen #movies #kingkong
Kiddo is on his school holidays now and he wants to make a horror game with levels inspired by movies. He's going away with his grandparents tomorrow so we spent a couple of hours tonight watching horror movies with junk food and fleshed out his first level together... The aim of the game is simply to escape and survive.#ScreamQueen #ZXSpectrum #horror #horrorgame #retrogame #retro #horrorfam #retrohorror #game #gamedev #indiedev
#screamqueen #zxspectrum #horror #horrorgame #retrogame #retro #HorrorFam #retrohorror #game #gamedev #indiedev
On July 9, 1993, Dead Sleep debuted in Spain. Here’s some original Linda Blair art to celebrate!
#DeadSleep #AlecMills #LindaBlair #HorrorMovie #DirectToVideo #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #ScreamQueen #Ozspoitation #HorrorFilm #TCMUnderground #90sMovies #Movies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#deadsleep #alecmills #lindablair #horrormovie #directtovideo #horrormovies #horrorart #screamqueen #ozspoitation #horrorfilm #tcmunderground #90smovies #movies #art #movieart #moviehistory
First #ScreamQueen en " The Totally Girl" uit #Halloween #PjSoles in #musical Rock 'n' Roll High School met #TheRamones
#screamqueen #halloween #pjsoles #musical #theramones
#Bales2023FilmChallenge -- June 25 -- Camping in Film
Sleepaway Camp (1983)
Here’s some Angela Baker art for today's prompt!
#SleepawayCamp #FelissaRose #ScreamQueen #MutantFam #HorrorArt #FilmMastodon
#bales2023filmchallenge #sleepawaycamp #felissarose #screamqueen #MutantFam #horrorart #FilmMastodon
On June 15, 1984, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was re-released in Toronto. Here’s some art inspired by the film’s VHS box!
#TheTexasChainSawMassacre #TobeHooper #HorrorMovies #SlasherFilm #ExploitationFilm #MarilynBurns #ScreamQueen #SouthernGothic #VideoNasties #Horror #HorrorArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thetexaschainsawmassacre #tobehooper #horrormovies #slasherfilm #exploitationfilm #marilynburns #screamqueen #southerngothic #videonasties #horror #horrorart #movieart #moviehistory
Great article from Lady Sasha @ horrorfreq on Instagram.
Article: My Favorite Black Scream Queens
(Image Courtesy of whatdidijustwatch.com)
#ScreamQueen #horrormovies #popculture #moviereviews #BlackMastodon #movies
#screamqueen #horrormovies #popculture #moviereviews #BlackMastodon #movies
On June 4, 1970, Island of Terror debuted in Mexico. Here's some new Carole Gray art to celebrate!
#IslandOfTerror #TerenceFisher #CaroleGray #Horror #SciFi #FanArt #HorrorArt ##SciArt #CultMovies #SciFiHorror #ScreamQueen #CultCinema #Svengoolie #MovieArt
#islandofterror #terencefisher #carolegray #horror #scifi #FanArt #horrorart #sciart #cultmovies #scifihorror #screamqueen #cultcinema #svengoolie #movieart
#Bales2023FilmChallenge: Movie Filmed in Italy
Going with the gothic horror exploitation classic Black Sunday (1960)!
Here's an original drawing of Barbara Steele for today's prompt!
#BlackSunday #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon #Horror #HorrorArt #BarbaraSteele #ScreamQueen #Art
#bales2023filmchallenge #blacksunday #FilmMastodon #cinemastodon #horror #horrorart #barbarasteele #screamqueen #art
I've reviewed the wonderful "HEartland Of Darkness" Blu Ray set from Visual Vengeance over on the website:
#HorrorMovies #HorrorFilms #HorrorIcons #Horror #ScreamQueen #ScreamQueens
#horrormovies #horrorfilms #horroricons #horror #screamqueen #screamqueens
A new Scream Queen page is live over on the Pit:
The wonderfully cute Kelli Maroney
#screamqueen #screamqueens #exploitationfilms #horrorfilms
On March 30, 1979, Full Circle debuted in Norway. Here’s some original Mia Farrow art!
#FullCircle #TheHauntingOfJulia #RichardLoncraine #HorrorMovies #GhostFilm #CanadianHorror #BritishHorror #MiaFarrow #HorrorArt #ScreamQueen #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#fullcircle #thehauntingofjulia #richardloncraine #horrormovies #ghostfilm #canadianhorror #britishhorror #miafarrow #horrorart #screamqueen #art #movieart #moviehistory
On March 2, 1983, The Boogens debuted in Colombia. Here’s some Anne-Marie Martin art to mark the occasion!
#TheBoogens #JamesLConway #AnneMarieMartin #Horror #MonsterMovies #80sHorror #HorrorMovies #ScreamQueen #CultMovies #FanArt #Movies #TCMUnderground #MonsterArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theboogens #jameslconway #annemariemartin #horror #monstermovies #80sHorror #horrormovies #screamqueen #cultmovies #FanArt #movies #tcmunderground #monsterart #art #movieart #moviehistory
On February 12, 1981 Prom Night debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s a sketch of Jamie Lee Curtis to mark the occasion!
#PromNight #PaulLynch #JamieLeeCurtis #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #SlasherMovies #SlasherArt #HorrorFanArt #Canuxploitation #CanadianHorror #SlasherFanArt #ScreamQueen #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#promnight #paullynch #jamieleecurtis #horrormovies #horrorart #slashermovies #slasherart #horrorfanart #canuxploitation #canadianhorror #slasherfanart #screamqueen #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
On February 3, 1994 early scream queen and Mark of the Vampire star Carroll Borland died in Arlington County, Virginia.
#RestInPeace #CarollBorland #HorrorMovies #Vampires #HorrorArt #PrecodeFilm #ScreamQueen #Drawing #Art #HorrorFam #MutantFam #ClassicFilm #ClassicHorror
#restinpeace #carollborland #horrormovies #vampires #horrorart #precodefilm #screamqueen #drawing #art #HorrorFam #MutantFam #classicfilm #classichorror
On January 30, 1981 The House that Dripped Blood was first screened on Japanese television. Here’s a sketch of IngridPitt drawn on a small Post-It note!
#TheHouseThatDrippedBlood #AmicusProductions #IngridPitt #Horror #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #ScreamQueen #AnthologyFilm #BritishHorror #HorrorComedy #70sHorror #VampireMovies
#thehousethatdrippedblood #amicusproductions #IngridPitt #horror #horrorfilm #horrorart #screamqueen #anthologyfilm #britishhorror #horrorcomedy #70shorror #vampiremovies
I caught Umi mid-scream. #cats #CatsOfMastodon #fedicats #ScreamQueen
#cats #catsofmastodon #fedicats #screamqueen
LIVE NOW ! 🔴 Playing Cry of Fear
After Twitch dying on me yesterday, and totally fucking with my statistics, here we are trying again! Bonus Stream!
#horrorstreamer #screamqueen #jumpscares #twitchaffilate
🔗 https://www.twitch.tv/cptn_sumi
#screamqueen #twitchaffilate #horrorstreamer #jumpscares
quite a few #screamqueen #BarbaraSteele titles on #TubiTv , nice 👍#NightmareCastle
#screamqueen #barbarasteele #tubitv #nightmarecastle