Who’s watching your webcam? The Screencastify Chrome extension story… - When you really need to make exceptions in cybersecurity, specify them as explicitly as y... https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2022/05/26/whos-watching-your-webcam-the-screencastify-chrome-extension-story/ #screencastify #need-to-know #chromestore #privacy #webcam
#webcam #privacy #chromestore #need #screencastify
Wow, #Screencastify is in full damage control mode. Very disappointing.
They released an update today, two days after my blog post, finally restricting the attack surface to five subdomains. And they released a blog post on the topic. But don’t tell people that about the fix today. Instead, they claim to have fixed the issue back in February. And talk about “a series of hypothetical steps” instead of admitting that there was/is an issue.
Chrome : une faille dans l’extension Screencastify permet d’activer votre webcam https://www.it-connect.fr/chrome-une-faille-dans-lextension-screencastify-permet-dactiver-votre-webcam/ #Screencastify #Sécurité #Chrome #Web
#web #chrome #sécurité #screencastify