Started with Ps2 & Ai3 myself, but replaced them 2011 with #Krita & #Inkscape. Do you consider or tested @Blender and #Scribus already?
I wrote, illustrated, designed and edited a #book. First timer.
It's been six months and I just realized I did it entirely with #foss (free and open source software), including the OS, #linux. The only exception being the pencil and paper I used for the original writing and sketching. Didn't plan it, I use #krita on a daily basis for my professional #illustration commissions. I thought it was worth mentioning because #foss is unfairly despised by media creation professionals (who are often under-payed).
I published 50 copies, funding it myself. I'm not selling it, I'm giving it as a gift to people from whom I've learned something, or not. It feels much better than any commission I've been payed for, ever. It has given way to very interesting conversations. It's a pretty dark book, and has lots of newbie mistakes (biggest one on the cover...).
I put a belly band on two copies and secretly left them on a shelf in a very popular book store (anti-theft?). The band says "this book is not for sale, it has to be stolen". It's been sitting there for more than a month... even though it's free. Either the book is very bad, or people don't dare, or daring people don't go into book stores, or people don't like free books, or...
#krita #inkscape #scribus #poetry #art #performance #edition #publishing #anti_theft
#book #foss #linux #krita #illustration #inkscape #scribus #poetry #art #performance #edition #publishing #anti_theft
Bonne nouvelle !
Mes formations peuvent être financées par Pôle emploi !
* Retouche d'images avec #GIMP
* Mise en page avec #Scribus
* Montage vidéo avec #Shotcut
Me reste plus qu'à enregistrer celle sur #Inkscape, puis #SynfigStudio quand j'aurai écris un programme…
#synfigstudio #inkscape #shotcut #scribus #gimp
Bon, j'ai convaincu l'asso pour laquelle je suis bénévole à mettre en page leur 16 pages de rétro annuel non plus sous Word mais sous #Scribus.
C'est un peu risqué parce que : on va travailler en version 1.5 (la seule compatible avec mon Mac), on sera deux à travailler dessus et à se relayer, une sur PC et une sur Mac (youpi les jeux de typos, entre autres).
Ça va être sport.
Rien que l'habillage des cadres image me donne des sueurs froides.
Envoyez-nous vos bonnes ondes libristes 😅
Pour faire des notes de bas de page, #Scribus lie une source de note de bas de page à un cadre de note de bas de page et à un style de notes.
Pour lier tout ça ensemble, dans le cadre de texte pour les notes de bas de page, etc, il y a des paramètres se nommant “Weld(Source|Target)…
Je sais pas si les programmeurs de #Scribus sont nostalgiques de la typo au plomb, mais « weld », ça veut littéralement dire soudure. Ils auraient pu utiliser « linked » mais non.
Are there any #ttrpg creators who also use #opensource #foss #floss tools? What do you use for layout? #Scribus? #LaTeX? Can you point me to any sources for templates, guides, etc. as a starting point?
Background: I'm thinking about translating and/or writing some light stuff - rules add-on stuff, character sheets etc.
(for personal/ group-internal use only right now)
#ttrpg #opensource #foss #floss #scribus #latex
The Tufte-Latex package has the output and the source code. I still couldn't use it though since I was having problems controlling the hyphenation. BUT the documentation was so excellently done that I could easily recreate all the styles in Scribus. I might need to adjust the size of some styles a bit if I decide to through with my I plan to use the size the Penguin Little Clothbound Classics dimensions (4.5"x6.5").
#bookbinding #typsetting #latex #scribus
I haven't been doing #bookbinding as often as I'd like to. I'd also might as well learn to typeset with #scribus. So I thought maybe I can pick something from Project Gutenberg and pick a book.
Any suggestions on what book I should start with? I like monsters, the supernatural, the occult, the paranormal, and a lot of mythology. Fantasy and science fiction. The likes of frankenstein and the Odyssey. Any #suggestions?
#bookbinding #scribus #suggestions
@mariusmichusch @crazy2bike @libreoffice @videolan @ubuntu ja, das geht locker.
Ich z.B. kann #Codium empfehlen und dazu raten Text in #Markdown und Tabellen als #TSVs zu layouten.
Wer #Pages von #Apple und #QuarkXpress kennt, der dürfte mit #Scribus ne Option finden die keine monatelangen #LaTeX-Büffelei braucht.
#Latex #scribus #QuarkXPress #Apple #pages #tsvs #markdown #codium
Hab mir gerade mit #scribus einen Sitzplan als PDF gemacht. Wenn man es mit #xournalpp (ab Version 1.2) aufmacht und auf einen SuS draufklickt, kommt man zu einem leeren Blatt, auf dem man sich Notizen zum SuS machen kann. Man kann mit Xournalpp so viele Seiten einfügen, wie man will!
Kann evtl. auch mit iPad und #GoodNotes verwendet werden.
Vielleicht kann es jemand brauchen.
Dateien hier: https://edudocs.de/buecher/s/W2drfPXE7jFmrMz
#scribus #xournalpp #goodnotes #FediLZ
Man kann auch innerhalb des Pdf-Dokuments mit Xournal++ rumspringen!!!
Zum Erstellen der PDFs mit den Links eignet sich z.B. #scribus
@KeithAmmann @LeviKornelsen it’s an open source alternative to MSO. Some governments and companies in Europe in particular have moved away from Microsoft Office and to LibreOffice actually. It’s a full office suite but not really a competitor for InDesign. For an open source alternative to InD you might want to look into #Scribus.
Few time ago, I've talked about a long series of drawing I've made (~120 drawings)
I still have a lot of work on it, but here the first one: **Spiderbuli**
Drawings were made for a cards game; as you can see, there's Buli & Sausages! :blobcataww:
500characters are not enough to provide additional information, then if you're interested I've added some explanation in pictures ALT text :blobcatcoffee:
#krita #inkscape #scribus #games #art #mastoart #digitalart
Vectorized drawing of the #DUCK🇺🇦 🛩️ hand throwing #glider #airplane #model using #LibreCAD, #QCAD & #Scribus apps.
PDF: https://app4soft.neocities.org/uav-duck.pdf
To made it print it on A4 #paper, cut & glue to wooden stick.
Instruction by original author (slides in Ukrainian): https://naurok.com.ua/profile/1090112
💡 #2d #3d #cad #aircraft #glider #sailplane #uav #diy #engineering
#duck #glider #airplane #model #librecad #qcad #scribus #paper #2d #3d #cad #aircraft #sailplane #uav #diy #engineering
Ich kenne die Affinity-Programme nicht, deswegen kann ich das nicht vergleichen ... und ich mache Grafik nur im Hobby-Bereich 🙂
Aber Ansehen kostet nix, deswegen: Ich kenne und verwende #Krita zum kreativen Pixelschubsen und #Scribus für Druckvorlagen u.ä.
Verwandte Bereiche: Fotos verwalte ich mit #Digikam und für die (Raw-)Foto-Verarbeitung #Darktable.
Viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren!
#krita #scribus #digikam #darktable
As part of designing #UnifiedRPG, my own #TTRPG, I had to learn how to use #Scribus in order to make a character sheet. For a first (incomplete) attempt, I'm really pleased with the result. Wooden sign design by vecteezy.com.
heise+ | Einstieg ins Desktop-Publishing: Mit #Scribus einen Flyer erstellen | heise online
https://www.heise.de/ratgeber/Einstieg-ins-Desktop-Publishing-Mit-Scribus-einen-Flyer-erstellen-9062980.html #DTP #tutorial #heiseplus #OpenSource
heise+ | Einstieg ins Desktop-Publishing: Mit Scribus einen Flyer erstellen – Teil 2 | heise online
https://www.heise.de/ratgeber/Einstieg-ins-Desktop-Publishing-Mit-Scribus-einen-Flyer-erstellen-Teil-2-9162660.html #DTP #tutorial #heiseplus #OpenSource
#scribus #dtp #tutorial #heiseplus #opensource
Useful tutorial for learning Scribus (the opensource version of Adobe InDesign).