We recently shipped a web links canvas element which lets you place any kind of web links directly onto your boards or on your desk. 🤩
Lovely way to keep visually track of your favorite inspiration sites, articles, fav products, competitors, or whatsoever. We build #Scrintal so you can get creative with it. 😊
As of now, we have two sizes and two layout options for web links, more coming soon. 👀
@hiro_hero #Scrintal というマインドマップ系のアプリが気になっています。が、あまりレビュー数が多くなく課金するか悩み中です…情報持ってる方いませんかね。
Now that I have my own office and 2 whiteboards and 3 pinboards I want to use them. Step 1: Vision board to keep me focused (I have added a photo to my #Scrintal boards as well) @academicchatter #AcademicChatter (@thesiswhisperer @jasondowns any tips for the other boards)
This time next Monday, @bianca_pereira and I are going live to talk about taking notes for academic research and general knowledge creation. Academic research is not something I've done in a while, so I'm keen to talk to Bianca about her #pkm process.
We'll be talking about her unique approach to taking notes, starting with the theory and then touching a bit on the actual tools for research that she'd recommend, including @obsidian and #scrintal.
@jslr Totally get that. I have a similar workflow. I am using #Tana for daily notes, tasks, and planning, but the brainstorming, thinking sessions are happening in #Scrintal (I am biased there, since I am building it) and I would love to have a way to move forward with the materials I have brainstormed without the need to move them over to another app. When I am brainstorming and I stumble across an idea, I want to execute it fast, and having to switch context feels like too much friction.
As I’m looking into organising my ideas/thoughts I’m revisiting #Scrintal and the new updates look promising…now I have to develop a sustainable work flow to make the most of it and see how I can combine it with my #BuJo & #ToDoist #Productivity #NoteTaking https://www.scrintal.com
#notetaking #productivity #todoist #bujo #scrintal
Thank you so much to #ShuOmi for sharing his thoughts about #Scrintal.
We made a lot of changes and improvements to the overall look, feel, and usability of Scrintal, so it is definitely exciting to see that people appreciate those and find it now easier to use the app.
We also have some exciting updates already in the pipeline, and they are coming soon ✨
@lucamondini Non vedo l'ora di provarlo e di capire come lo integrano con il grafo di note esistenti. L'aspetto che mi preoccupa e' la portabilità per la quale non vedo via d'uscita. #Markdown non prevede nulla di simile ai canvas nella sua sintassi.
Invece di seguire ciecamente #scrintal con i canvas, io avrei privilegiato funzionalità come i supertag di #Tana. Gusti personali, presumo.
More on the new #obsidian Canvas core plugin! https://youtu.be/rPescoJzcFA
This core plugin is (for now) only available to Insiders, but it usually only takes a few weeks of testing before it's released to everyone else. I think this really adds to Obsidian's versatility, and it's nice to see it taking some design cues from more visual tools like #scrintal .