Writing the magazine article on rum that's been kicking about my desk for a while now. It's grown so bitty that I've just shifted over from my usual app (Drafts 5) to Scrivener to help organise my sections and make sense of it all.
Hopefully I can turn it from bits into something more cohesive. It's already helping being able to see it all in one go.
#amwriting #writinglife #scrivener #writingonmac
Ich spiele gerade mit Scrivener umeinander - ganz entgegen den guten Ratschlägen von @viennawriter . Ich muss aber festellen dass das Tool wirklich schon recht einfach und gut funktioniert. #epub #ebook #author #selfpublishing #scrivener
#scrivener #selfpublishing #author #ebook #epub
It's funny how resourceful one can be when tracking down a bug in software one needs to use.
If anyone is having difficulty runnjng #Scrivener under #Crossover 23 on Linux - set sapi.dll to native. If that doesn't make sense and the problem applies to you, get in touch.
It was a frantic few hours.
@KarchWrites mostly default.
A couple of projects I have in write-able disk images and have configured them to backup there too (via Project Settings… > Backup). This gives me the option to manual copy the images on a disk image level to avoid file system sync issues.
If any #Writers here use #Scrivener, I have a couple of questions for you.
Where do you save your backup files? Do you use Scrivener's default location, save to somewhere else on your hard drive, or save to the cloud (if to the cloud, which cloud?). What's your reasoning for your choice?
#Writing #WritingCommunity #WritersOfMastodon #authors #AuthorsOfMastodon #WritingQuestion
#writers #scrivener #writing #writingcommunity #writersofmastodon #authors #authorsofmastodon #WritingQuestion
@ahl @diana In Scrivener, I have a folder called "slush-pile" for exactly that. When flow changes or I return to a point that I've cooled on I can yeet it over to the pile without much hesitation. Then sometimes on days when things aren't clicking, I go through the slush-pile looking for turns of phrase or insight that still sparks joy. Sometimes those end up as posts.
#writing #writingLife #scrivener
#writing #writinglife #scrivener
My mission for the next few days seems to be trying out #Scrivener to see if I dislike it less now than I did when I first tried it a few years ago. Using it to make structural changes to my #wip without touching my original documents seems like a safer way to make those types of revisions.
#scrivener #wip #amwritingfiction #cozymystery
I’ve never used #Obsidian Been a strong proponent of #Scrivener for over 20 years now.
About 10 years ago I tried Scrivener and just couldn’t love it. Now that I’m deep into revisions - including moving a lot of scenes around - in my #wip, I decided to give it another try.
If you use #scrivener for writing fiction, what are your favorite/least favorite things about it?
@alxd I use #Scrivener even tho it's neither free nor open source (tho I paid for it so long ago I forget the price and never stopped getting updates).
It has a distraction free mode which darkens the screen by a % you set, other than a 'sheet of paper' in the middle of the screen you write on. You can decide if the cursor stays in the same place like a typewriter or moves down.
Tho for anything that needs formatting/markdown I prefer #Obsidian, for lots of reasons.
Steg 2: Lista alla scener (#Scrivener kan exportera "outline" till CSV) och gör en hel del jobbiga val om att minska ner eller stryka scener eller flytta vital information till andra scener eller göra om scener till transportsträckor/Sequels (https://wp.me/p3i8vb-225)...
#jagskriver #jagskriverSF #skriva #skrivande #skrivliv #redigera #jagredigerar
#jagredigerar #redigera #skrivliv #skrivande #skriva #jagskriversf #jagskriver #scrivener
@apolaine #Ulysses’ proprietary format turns a lot of folks off. I can overlook that because info is very easy to get in and out in a variety of file types … and because I like the power of this “made for purpose” app.
I migrated to it from #Scrivener years ago, wrote several books in it, and left it. But after trying many other options, I’m solidly back in Ulysses for book-length projects.
@markmcelroy I’m trying with Longform at present. Seems okay-ish. I couldn’t go back to wrestling with the #Scrivener UI or, god forbid, Word. I wrote my PhD in #Mellel, which was much faster and more pleasant, but proprietary file format.
Trying to find a light #Horror #Magazine for a short story or two.
I am finding magazine submission sites extremely #Inaccessible.
Black with white font? Burns the eyes. The last one was bright red. No idea the font color, as I had to close it.
When my eye is working better, I can copy and paste the submissions page into #Scrivener, to determine if it is one I am interested in sending a story to.
Hours of extra work to determine if a magazine is a fit for my writing style. #Accessibility
#accessibility #scrivener #inaccessible #magazine #horror
@davidshq #scrivener is also good for non-fiction. Especially the ability to collect the materials you need. However, I work in teams and not many others use it..
- I used to use #Scrivener for everything but found it too be clunky for some stuff. Now I use it mainly for writing and research notes while I use #OneNote for todos and general ideas and #DayOne as a diary (I also use #DayOne for other journaling.) All 3 apps are also on iOS so it makes it easy to write.
- I still carry a paper journal! While the apps are on my iOS devices, sometimes inspiration strikes and I write faster than I can type on a device.
#writerdons #writingcommunity #amwriting #dayone #onenote #scrivener
Scrivener. Förra projektet kunde jag absolut inte ha i det programmet, vi blev osams och jag rörde det inte på många år. Men det har hänt saker sedan v1.-vad-det-nu-var.
Fast utskrifterna blir fortfarande underliga och den radbryter som en nybörjare om jag bara exporterar texten för utskrift. Exporterar jag till Word försvinner hälften av formatteringen, den radbryter fortfarande som en nybörjare och den påstår ivrigt att texten är engelsk. #författare #wip #skriva #scrivener
#scrivener #skriva #wip #forfattare
If anyone out there uses Scrivener, I just figured out the reason my current project was taking forever to save is because the filesize had ballooned to half a gig. Turns out if you have it set to make a snapshot every time you save manually things can get out of hand. I turned that off and deleted all the snapshots. Still a bit large at 39MB but there are a few big images in my research folder.
Last Scrivener update appears to have reverted me to their crappy dictionary that doesn't recognize obscure words such as 'meds' and 'matrilineal'. Grrrr. Going to have to figure out how I overwrote theirs with a decent one last time. How annoying. I love everything about this program except for their @#$%ing dictionary.