I've been reminded of SATURN, which aligns #scRNAseq between species. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.02.03.526939v1 #EvoDevo
Marius Lange #BC2basel: increasing complexity of #SingleCell data leads to problems of temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal mapping. The solution proposed is optimal transport applications, implemented in Moscot:
https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.05.11.540374v2 #SpatialTranscriptomics #scRNAseq
#bc2basel #singlecell #spatialtranscriptomics #scrnaseq
Excellent conclusions of Jean Fan #BC2basel on #machinelearning applied to #scRNAseq #SpatialTranscriptomics
#bc2basel #machinelearning #scrnaseq #spatialtranscriptomics
Impressive work by Jean Fan's lab #BC2basel: aligning different spatial transcriptomics results, not only from different experiments but different protocols, e.g. MERFISH - Visium. Combining with #scRNAseq clustering and her lab's spot deconvolution allows to compare directly gene expression between these different experiments, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.04.11.534630v2.abstract #SpatialTranscriptomics
#bc2basel #scrnaseq #spatialtranscriptomics
Last talk of the #CSSingleCells23 conference:
Karin Pelka, Gladstone/UCSF
Spatially organized #immune hubs in #colon #cancer
Then: predict cellular interaction networks via correlations of gene program activities across #tumors
anti-tumor hubs in tumors, ISGs including CXCR3 ligands, differs between tumor types (MMR+ or -)
have data from clinical trial (biopsies before and after treatment)
#tumors #scrnaseq #coloncancer #cancer #colon #immune #cssinglecells23
First speaker of the session (Cell identity in situ)
is Elana Fertig
of Convergence Institute at Johns Hopkins
She has background in weather prediction (!) ⛈️ which has convergence with predictive medicine (such as huge data sets)
Looks at #PancreaticCancer with spatial #proteomics
now #scRNAseq
Developed CoGAPS matrix factorization, can identify cell state transitions
Using PhysiCell to build models
#cssinglecells23 #SingleCell #cancer #scrnaseq #Proteomics #pancreaticcancer
"predicts new biology missed by today's genomics"
#spatial #transcriptomics #genomics
works by unified detection of sample-specific sequence variation... sample can be different cells, sequence is raw reads
method chooses an "anchor" sequence then looks for neighboring sequence that varies. thus is independent of any reference genome
New insights into universally expressed human genes
#cssinglecells23 #scrnaseq #genomics #Transcriptomics #spatial
GEARS for predicting transcriptional outcomes of gene perturbation. Check it out👇 :
#scRNAseq #python #bioinformatics
#scrnaseq #python #bioinformatics
Bioinformatician Hematology
Erasmus Medical Center
Come work on single cell data analysis in multiple myeloma at the Erasmus MC. #bioinformatics #MM #scRNAseq
See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/erasmus-medical-center-27778-bioinformatician-hematology/?feed_id=55133
#ScienceJobs #hiring #research
Rotterdam #Netherlands #Bioinformatician
#bioinformatician #netherlands #research #hiring #ScienceJobs #scrnaseq #mm #bioinformatics
#GPT4 for cell type #annotation in single-cell RNA-seq (#scRNAseq) analysis.
"Tell me why my sample is so weird"
#gpt4 #annotation #scrnaseq #bioinformatics
#scRNAseq #singlecell #pathwayAnalysis
Seems really easy to use, and return good results:
ReactomeGSA - Efficient Multi-Omics Comparative Pathway Analysis - ScienceDirect
#scrnaseq #singlecell #PathwayAnalysis
I’m starting #scRNAseq and IMC #experiments soon and I’m distraught by the fact that I have zero dry-lab experience 😫😩😭
PIPseq performs comparably to existing scRNA methodologies, but at a significantly reduced cost.
Read more at the recent preprint on benchmarking: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.07.14.549051v1
For the original PIPseq paper, visit: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-023-01685-z #PIPseq #scRNAseq #Genomics
Interesting new #preprint in #immunology performing a meta-analysis of human #scRNAseq data across tissues. Surprising they could integrate so many diverse samples and sequencing technologies without losing all of the biological signal!
#preprint #immunology #scrnaseq
So excited to share MMoCHi: a tool I've built for multi-modal cell type classification for CITE-seq data
The pre-print can be found here:
And we've put it out on #GitHub so that you can try it out on your own data:
#scRNAseq #scRNA #CITEseq #sequencing #analysis #ColumbiaUniversity #immunology
#github #scrnaseq #scRNA #citeseq #sequencing #analysis #columbiauniversity #immunology
We welcome attendees, particularly with a view to developing collaborations relating to #sequencing, #genomics, #transcriptomics, #spatial omics and #scRNAseq. At the Pirbright Institute, we generate a lot of #biological and omic data and wish to work more effectively to deliver data-driven insights into tackling livestock #disease.
#sequencing #genomics #Transcriptomics #Spatial #scrnaseq #biological #disease
Novel cell type in the early human embryo: @manvendr7 @Prof_LDHurst @izsvaks_mdc &co use #scRNAseq & #embryo visualization to reveal a novel class of non-committed cells that undergo #apoptosis and may reflect a QC screening process #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/469tTEx
#plosbiology #apoptosis #embryo #scrnaseq
I... think it is working? Left is conventional log1pP10KC, right is PFlog1pPF. Attaching also the source code that I came up with, with the help of ChatGPT, after checking how it was done by the authors of https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.05.06.490859v1.
#bioinformatics #scrnaseq #singlecell #seurat
I finally started working with single cell datasets and I am trying different ways to normalise the data. I recently found a Pachter Lab paper recomending proportional fitting and log1p normalisation (i.e. PFlog1pPF) and I've been trying to implement a function that is able to do this of a counts matrix in a way that makes Seurat happy. But I do not know enough about the Seurat object structure. I'll keep this updated in case I see some progress.
#bioinformatics #singlecell #scrnaseq #seurat