Si vous #juxtaposez souvent plusieurs #onglets, les barres de défilement pourront parfois être soit disgracieuses, soit encombrantes, voire les deux à la fois 🥴
N'hésitez pas à tester l'argument --hide-scrollbars en ligne de commande 👌
#astuce #vivaldi #desktop #juxtaposez #onglets #scrollbars
Just curious as to what designers feel is a current best practice…
Do #mobile apps still need #scrollbars?
I have come to understand some people still do not know color-scheme, and that it's a nice way to make dark mode scrollbars without doing the things @eric will tell you is a bad idea :)
So here you go!
#html #css #darkmode #scrollbars
#Scrollbars on #desktop #webbrowsers are kinda #hideous..
Can I make em pretty ?
#scrollbars #desktop #webbrowsers #hideous
My #scrollbars are now visible! No more needle-thin, hidden, grey on ever so slightly lighter grey, but actually visible! And, they're disappearing after a time, then blinking if new content has come in which I haven't viewed yet.
#scrollbars #linuxmint #firefox
Hey #FediHelp
I've noticed the up and down arrows on the scroll bars are missing - which is very annoying, I use them all the time
Can they be restored? Or can I choose a different theme? Or is there a workaround?
This is when using - which is version v4.0.2
It's the same in Chrome Version 107.0.5304.110
and Firefox version 106.0.5
Firefox on Linux recently introduced a "feature" that fades out the scrollbar if you don't move your mouse. If you're like me and don't like invisible scrollbars, you can simply deactivate this "feature".
Go to the address bar and type "about:config" (without the quotes, obviously). Agree to be careful. Search for "widget.gtk.overlay-scrollbars.enabled" and toggle the entry from "true" to "false" by double-clicking it. Just close the about:config tab and you're done. :-)
(Sorry, I had to delete and redraft, since I first got the name of the preference wrong...)
#Firefox #Linux #scrollbars #GTK (boosts OK)
#firefox #linux #scrollbars #gtk
Mozilla Firefox 100 hides scrollbars by default: #linux #foss #release #update #firefox #scrollbars
#linux #foss #update #firefox #scrollbars #release