🐉 Save the date: 11. Juli 2023

Wenn ein Team gemeinsam einen Drachen erschlagen hat, weiß es, wie es wirklich tickt. Und kann lernen, das für sich zu nutzen. Wir sprechen über Teamentwicklung und wie man durch Pen und Paper-Rollenspiel von fiktiven Erlebnissen zu echten Learnings über Teamdynamiken kommt.

Jetzt anmelden unter meetup.com/freiburg-scrum-meet

#agile #team #Teambuilding #Teamentwicklung #pen #paper #teamdynamiken #teamdynamics #Scrum #scrumalliance #meetup

Last updated 1 year ago

codeHaiku :fosstodon: · @codeHaiku
320 followers · 2625 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Last week, I became a . I will not post this "achievement" on LinkedIn because it is not a big deal. The hands out proprietary certs that require students to sit through prescribed hours in a "course" and take an "exam" that is open-book. I know that and are popular, but you can't do important things using these cheap methods (building a bridge, upgrading an enterprise system, etc.). Sometimes use of these methods is an excuse for not planning.

#CertifiedScrumMaster #scrumalliance #agile #scrum

Last updated 1 year ago

Niels Pflaeging · @nielspflaeging
634 followers · 757 posts · Server mastodon.social