TVS Supply Chain Solutions Ltd announced on Tuesday that its board of directors has appointed R. Dinesh as executive chairman of the company.
#TVS #SCS #RDinesh #Mahalingam #Chairman #GangaNews
#tvs #scs #rdinesh #mahalingam #chairman #ganganews
SCS North Africa, start of turn 7, June 1941. Last turn was an inactive turn of moving reinforcements forward after two turns of no Axis supplies due to convoy raid events, and Commonwealth attacks to take advantage of that lack. (Churchill demanded action as well.)
At that point the Commonwealth was forced to withdraw most of their good units from the front, leaving Rommel with superior numbers, but without the supplies to advance.
This turn sees both sides with a need to move reinforcements to the front to relieve their respective disadvantages, CW troops and Axis supplies. It may be another inactive turn of movement only.
#hexesforever #scs #northafrica
SCS North Africa at the start of turn 4.
British have secured Tobruk for supply and shipping. They have moved most of their forces west to the mountains where the Italians are assembling a hasty defense
But Rommel has arrived in Libya and will soon be on the scene.
#hexesforever #scs #northafrica
SCS North Africa, middle of turn 2. Italians have been pushed out of Egypt and the Brits are poised to assault the forts protecting Bardia.
Meanwhile the Italians scramble to get more defenders into the Tobruk defenses, since the Brits are pushing hard to get there before Rommel shows on turn 4.
One British leader killed on turn 1 in the same action that saw the Italian leader wounded for the next six turns. Brits are taking advantage of their 2 leaders vs no Axis leaders for the next few turns when things will even out again.
Set up the full campaign for The Gamer's SCS North Africa. I have only played some of the smaller scenarios so far, so we will see how far I get.
This is the start of turn 1, December 1940, the Italian invasion of Egypt is already under way, but the Brits have a lot of forces poised to push them back. Rommel doesn't show for a few turns, so Il Duce's boys are on their own.
#hexesforever #scs #northafrica
Didn't have any playtime on American Truck Sim so I figured that I might as well try and get a refund now that they've decided to add advertisements into the game. I'd recommend anyone considering buying from SCS to reconsider until they publicly walk back their support of this as this is unacceptable for a game with nearly 200 Euro worth of paid content.
#ATS #AmericanTruckSimulator #SCS #SCSSoftware #ETS2 #EuroTruckSimulator2
#EuroTruckSimulator2 #ets2 #scssoftware #scs #americantrucksimulator #ats
Schachoffensive im sonnigen Bad Salzdetfurth
📸 Ein Teil des großen Teams hinter dem Stand. V.l.n.r.: Martin Söllig, Niklas Mörke, Maurice Seer, Lars-Florian Gärtner, Holger Buck (Quelle: Niklas Mörke)
#schach #scs #Niedersachsen #BadSalzdetfurth
Esos tiempos cuando en el #EuroTruckSimulator2 estábamos haciendo el evento por el tema Covid... #TBT #SCS
#eurotrucksimulator2 #tbt #scs
So is #monolith is evil ? How to build a monoliths differently ? #SCS #SoS Systems of systems
Mithilfe von Self-contained Systems und #Vertikalisierung hat unser Kunde Phoenix Contact eine "Best In Industry" #eCommerce-Plattform geschaffen! Wir haben ihn bei diesem beeindruckenden Transformationsprozess von Anfang an begleitet. 🚀#scs
👉 Zur Casestudy:
#vertikalisierung #ecommerce #scs
Lawmaker Faces Violent Threats for Trying to Make California the First State of Ban Caste Discrimination
The California state lawmaker who introduced a bill that would make the state the first in the nation to outlaw caste-based discrimination is receiving Islamophobic threats from the U.S. and abroad. State sen. Aisha Wahab says her office was flooded with dozens of hateful calls, hundreds of emails, and individuals yelling at staff in her district office after she introduced the legislation last week.
#california #caste #UnitedStates #CasteDiscrimination #casteism #AishaWahab #dalits #SCs #SCST #EqualityLabs #interview #islamophobia #IndianDiaspora #NRIs #brahminism #india
#california #caste #unitedstates #castediscrimination #casteism #aishawahab #dalits #scs #scst #EqualityLabs #interview #islamophobia #indiandiaspora #nris #brahminism #india
Gujarat: Why a Sizeable Number of Dalits Are Joining Hindutva Outfits
Despite the fact that several instances of violence and discrimination against Dalits are reported from Gujarat, many have been lately joining the ranks of RSS and its affiliate organisations.
#gujarat #dalits #dalit #RSS #hindutva #VHP #BJP #BajrangDal #ABVP #caste #SCs #communalism #casteism #CasteViolence #CowVigilantism #india
#gujarat #dalits #dalit #RSS #hindutva #vhp #BJP #Bajrangdal #abvp #caste #scs #Communalism #casteism #casteviolence #cowvigilantism #india
Only 17 SC, 9 ST judges among 569 HC appointments since 2018
THE Union government on Friday informed the Parliament that a total of 569 judges were appointed to the high courts since 2018. Of the 569 judges, 17 belong to the Scheduled Castes (SCs), nine to the Scheduled Tribes (STs), 64 to Other Backward Classes (OBCs), and 15 belong to minority communities.
#IndianJudiciary #HighCourts #judges #caste #representation #SCST #SCs #STs #dalits #minorities #OBC #SocialJustice #casteism #UnionGovt #india
#indianjudiciary #highcourts #judges #caste #representation #scst #scs #sts #dalits #minorities #OBC #socialjustice #casteism #uniongovt #india
Ausführliche Hintergründe, technische Details und Ziele des Sovereign Cloud Stack #SCS von Alexander Diab im Podcast von eGovernment.
Sehr informativ.
On the way to Nuremberg. Sunny day yey :ablobcatbongo:
Well, Toto, looks like we're home again!
American Truck Simulator DLC will head to Kansas after Oklahoma
#americantrucksimulator #dlc #kansas #PC #gamingnews #scs
I was vaguely hoping Covid, the cost of living crisis, and Climate Change Guilt would kill off giant academic conferences, but I see I was too optimistic.
#MLA #scs #academia #conferences