This one is a little eary.
#MastoArt #ear #sculpt #ceramics #scultpure
I learned recently that the sculptor Ann Gilles lived for a little while in my house, which gives me a good feeling. #Scultpure #PublicArt
Friend of mine living in France does SFX, Sculpture, prosthetics, Masks, creatures design, molding & casting, life cast, props and other work.
She loves visiting New Zealand and would love to work here.
#scultpure #masks #prosthetics
For #SilentSunday night, this picture of two Italian pigeons on the horses of Neptune at the Piazza della Signoria, Florence, Jul 2006.
Pleasant dreams, friends.
#goodNight #horses #scultpure #Italy #pigeons #badBirdPictures
#SilentSunday #GoodNight #horses #scultpure #Italy #pigeons #badbirdpictures
Faces. #LaRochelle #scultpure #photography
#larochelle #scultpure #photography
I got to visit #Chatsworth this year and these lions felt straight out of a #fairytale The kind of one where you have to answer a riddle or be purest of heart. Yet they also have kitty energy, like they just want to play. Rather cute. I'd love to have them in my house or #garden
#travel #adventure #uk #england #bakewell #history #scultpure #arthistory #art #lion
#chatsworth #fairytale #garden #travel #adventure #uk #england #bakewell #history #scultpure #arthistory #art #lion
This is the sculpture that helped me to appreciate sculpture - and large scale art installations.
This, and many similar sculptures are out in the desert ghost town of Rhyolite, Nevada
#ghosts #scultpure #art #photography #dark #night #nightphotography #rhyolite #desert #southwest #explore #silentsunday #ghosttown #creepy #wander
#ghosts #scultpure #art #photography #dark #night #nightphotography #rhyolite #desert #southwest #explore #silentsunday #ghosttown #creepy #wander