A #fugitive #Moldovan #oligarch & #OppositionParty #leader was #SentencedInAbsentia Thursday to 15 years in jail for his role in a $1B #BankTheft case.
#IlanShor - who leads the #populist #RussiaFriendly #ShorParty - was #convicted of #fraud & #MoneyLaundering in the case of $1 billion that went missing from Moldovan banks in 2014.
#Moldova #corruption #BullyMillionaires #CancelBillionaires #ExposeOligarchs #DestroyBillionaires #ExposeElites #CompostTheRich #Scumbuckets
#fugitive #Moldovan #oligarch #oppositionparty #leader #sentencedinabsentia #banktheft #ilanshor #populist #russiafriendly #shorparty #convicted #fraud #moneylaundering #moldova #corruption #bullymillionaires #cancelbillionaires #exposeoligarchs #destroybillionaires #ExposeElites #composttherich #scumbuckets
If you like giving kudos to people who relish in cheating on people they claim to love - I am not your kinda person & would appreciate if you volunteer to remove yourself because I don't know how you personally feel about lying, cheating #scumbuckets 👊 Thanks.