En memoria de Augusto Pérez Miranda: una historia de republicanos españoles en el exilio, luchando en la #LégionEtrangère y en el #BritishArmy durante la #WW2
#SCW #SpanishCivilWar #FFL #UK
#uk #ffl #spanishcivilwar #scw #ww2 #britisharmy #legionetrangere
This 0.5 mile section of South City Way has been under construction for 16 months. It remains closed. Each successive day places 1400 cyclists in the paths of buses, taxis & private hire vehicles. What on Earth?
#Glasgow #infra #SCW #BikeTooter
#biketooter #scw #infra #glasgow
"El ‘Guernica’ o la punta del iceberg"
Alemania mantiene en la sombra su implicación directa en la Guerra Civil española a través de la Legión Cóndor, responsable entre otras acciones del bombardeo de Gernika
#history #SCW #fascism #nazism #covfefe
#covfefe #nazism #fascism #scw #history
The Spanish Army is trying to locate a CV35 thrown into the Ebro river during the Spanish Civil War
#SCW #MilitaryHistory
RT @ANPI_Scuola@twitter.com
Catalonia — Anarchist Ramon Vila Capdevila ("Caracremada") fought against the Fascists in Spain's Civil War, and later in the French Resistance.
An anti-Franco partisan after WW2, he was eventually ambushed & killed by regime agents in Rajadell #Otd, August 7, 1963. #7agosto #Scw