A New Approach To Satellite-Derived Bathymetry - An Exercise In Seabed 2030 Coastal Surveys
https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14184484 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #satellitederivedbathymetry #SDB #nauticalcharting #machinelearning #IHOstandards #GEBCO #Seabed2030 #radiativetransferequation #RTE #remotesensing #satellite #model #modeling #hydrography #hydrospatial #marine #charts #navigation #nautical #gischat #bathymetry #topobathy #automation #ESA
#gis #spatial #mapping #satellitederivedbathymetry #sdb #nauticalcharting #machinelearning #ihostandards #gebco #seabed2030 #radiativetransferequation #rte #remotesensing #satellite #model #modeling #hydrography #hydrospatial #marine #charts #navigation #nautical #gischat #bathymetry #topobathy #automation #Esa
I remember when #cplusplus first came out all the #unix utilities were going to be rewritten in #cplusplus, if memory serves correctly only the debugger #sdb was rewritten.
Now many things are being rewritten in the shiny new #programming language #rustlang .
Not a criticism, just an observation.
#rustlang #programming #sdb #unix #cplusplus
Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Online [shared paper]
https://ihr.iho.int/articles/satellite-derived-bathymetry-online-validation-study-upscaling-sdb-sdb-potential/ <-- 2022 shared paper
https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20185024 <-- 2019 USGS report on the technologies
#GIS #spatial #mapping #satellitederivedbathymetry #SDB #validation #coastalmapping #hydrospatial #bathymetry #satellite #remotesensing #elevation #global #survey #EarthObservation #bathymetric #coastal #global #marine #ocean #nearshore #nautical #Seabed2030 #EMODnet #accuracy #precision #vertical #4S #water #hydrology #clarity #nearshore #cloud #programming
#gis #spatial #mapping #satellitederivedbathymetry #sdb #validation #coastalmapping #hydrospatial #bathymetry #satellite #remotesensing #elevation #global #survey #earthobservation #bathymetric #coastal #marine #ocean #nearshore #nautical #seabed2030 #emodnet #accuracy #precision #vertical #4s #water #hydrology #clarity #cloud #programming
Le nuove bombe #GBU39 che gli #Usa vogliono inviare all'#Ucraina
Il sistema Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (#GLSDB) è pensato in un momento in cui le scorte della #Nato sono in esaurimento.
Il sistema GLSDB potrebbe essere consegnato già nella primavera del 2023, secondo un documento esaminato dall'agenzia. Come riporta anche il Guardian, esso combina la GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (#SDB) con il motore a razzo #M26, entrambi comuni negli inventari statunitensi.
#M26 #sdb #NATO #glsdb #ucraina #usa #GBU39
14 août 2022
"Je veux être le Pape en homme trans et liquide"
Mais comment en est-on arrivé là ?
#photodujour #journalphoto #defi #quotidien #artiste #photographe #pictureoftheday #photodiary #challenge #artist #photographer #brosse #dos #sdb #botanic #brush #back #bath #bathroom #photo
#photo #bathroom #bath #back #brush #botanic #sdb #dos #brosse #photographer #artist #challenge #photodiary #pictureoftheday #photographe #artiste #quotidien #defi #journalphoto #photodujour