I wrote two new short columns this week. First, is “#Transportation #Poverty: A #GrayRhino Ready to Charge” -
#sdg11 #sdg1 #sdg10 #transport #urbanism
#urbanism #transport #SDG10 #sdg1 #sdg11 #grayrhino #poverty #transportation
Das Projekt einer gemeinnützigen Organisation schafft in einem Flüchtlingscamp in Uganda Einigkeit und Frieden. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Bäckerei, die das Leben der Geflüchteten positiv beeinflusst. Mehr dazu hier:
#SDG1 #SDG10 #SDG17 #GLG
Progress, challenges in ending extreme poverty - interesting visualizations in the #WorldBank #data blog:
#sdg1 #sdg #development #income #poverty #data #worldbank
On #WorldChildrensDay we recognise the conditions of extreme hardship in which millions of children live in every day, and applaud the work of our members whose projects aim to uphold and elevate the human rights and wellbeing of children around the world. #LeaveNoOneBehind #SDG1 #SDG2 #SDG4 #SDG5 #MissionaryDevelopment #MiseanCara #IrishAidWorks
#worldchildrensday #leavenoonebehind #sdg1 #sdg2 #SDG4 #sdg5 #missionarydevelopment #MiseanCara #IrishAidWorks
Am 16.11. zum Podiumsgespräch zu #Armut mit unserer MdB Melanie Wegling. #SDG1 konkret in #GroßGerau.
Es soll weit über das #Bürgergeld hinausgehen. Wir treffen uns absichtlich in den Räumen der #Tafel.
#Diakonie #Caritas #kirche @zgv_ekhn@twitter.com @ekhn_de@twitter.com @Caritas_web@twitter.com @DiakonieHessen@twitter.com
#armut #sdg1 #GroßGerau #burgergeld #tafel #diakonie #caritas #kirche
Am 16.11. zum Podiumsgespräch zu #Armut mit unserer MdB Melanie Wegling. #SDG1 konkret in #GroßGerau.
Es soll weit über das #Bürgergeld hinausgehen. Wir treffen uns absichtlich in den Räumen der #Tafel.
#Diakonie #Caritas #kirche @zgv_ekhn@twitter.com @ekhn_de@twitter.com @Caritas_web@twitter.com @DiakonieHessen@twitter.com
#armut #sdg1 #GroßGerau #burgergeld #tafel #diakonie #caritas #kirche
Kollege @BueckP@twitter.com von der @dkaaustria@twitter.com stellt in einem Workshop der #Entwicklungstagung #ET2022 vor, wie #Agroökologie zu Transformationen in globalen Ernährungssystemen positiv beitragen kann. #hungerbeenden #sdg1 #Ernährungssouveräntität
#Entwicklungstagung #ET2022 #Agroökologie #hungerbeenden #sdg1 #Ernährungssouveräntität
@WesleyDean thank you for sharing. #FoodSecurity and #nutrition #SDG2 #SDG1 are challenging in low- and middle-income countries, but also increasingly in richer countries. Interesting research you did on Danish households' coping strategies.
#sdg1 #SDG2 #nutrition #foodsecurity
I wrote a #policy paper on #MathsAnxiety. It highlights that symptoms are present early in childhood; can be intergenerational and harm students’ #maths performance & career choices. Also, it may affect teachers’ well-being & self-efficacy☘️
#GenderGap #SDG1 #SDG4 #SDG5 #numeracy
Read on UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy website [lnkd.in/dP77Fv6h] @mathcog
#cognitivescience #numeracy #sdg5 #SDG4 #sdg1 #gendergap #maths #mathsanxiety #policy
I wrote a #policy paper on #MathsAnxiety. It highlights that symptoms are present early in childhood; can be intergenerational and harm students’ #maths performance & career choices. Also, it may affect teachers’ well-being & self-efficacy☘️
#GenderGap #SDG1 #SDG4 #SDG5 #numeracy
Read on UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy website [lnkd.in/dP77Fv6h] @mathcog
#cognitivescience #numeracy #sdg5 #SDG4 #sdg1 #gendergap #maths #mathsanxiety #policy
RT @nuclear_better
My name is COLLINS Wafula Khaemba, a pro-niclear, environmental & climate activist in Kenya. Since 2018, I becaume passionate about #nuclear #energy and the science of the atom. My desire is to see KENYA develop to be an EQUALLY competitive nation in the world. #sdg1 #SDG2 #sdg7
#nuclear #energy #sdg1 #sdg2 #sdg7