I wrote two new short columns this week. First, is “#Transportation #Poverty: A #GrayRhino Ready to Charge” -
#sdg11 #sdg1 #sdg10 #transport #urbanism
#urbanism #transport #SDG10 #sdg1 #sdg11 #grayrhino #poverty #transportation
In der steirischen Gemeinde Fernitz-Mellach wird in einem Pilotversuch die erste Fahrradzone Österreichs etabliert. Damit will man eine nachhaltige Mobilität fördern und die Lebensqualität in der Gemeinde verbessern: #SDG3 #SDG9 #SDG11 #SDG13 #SDG17 #GLG
#sdg3 #sdg9 #sdg11 #sdg13 #sdg17 #glg
Hitzewellen werden auch in unseren Breiten immer häufiger und intensiver. Es braucht daher Anpassungsmaßnahmen, insbesondere für Innenstädte. Was neben Begrünung noch wichtig ist, könnt ihr hier nachlesen: #SDG11 #SDG13 #GoodLifeGoals
Gute Nachrichten aus dem Bereich Mobilität! Die Einführung des 49-Euro-Tickets in Deutschland im Mai zeigt positive Auswirkungen. Aus Mobilitätsdaten geht ein klarer Anstieg bei Zugreisen über 30 Kilometer hervor: #SDG9 #SDG11 #SDG13 #GLG
Massentourismus ist für viele Städte ein Problem. In Amsterdam setzt man deshalb schon länger Maßnahmen, um den Ansturm an Tourist:innen einzudämmen. Nun will man Kreuzfahrtschiffe aus der Innenstadt verbannen: #SDG8 #SDG9 #SDG11 #SDG13 #GLG
#sdg8 #sdg9 #sdg11 #sdg13 #glg
Nearly all users surveyed (92%) for #Deloitte Access Economics' #ValueofGBIF report linked their work to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals #SDGs.
While 30% referred to environmental goals like #SDG14 #SDG15, the rest cited wider-ranging goals related to sustainable cities and communities #SDG11, quality education #SDG4, and good health and well-being #SDG3. Read more:
#deloitte #valueofgbif #sdgs #sdg14 #sdg15 #sdg11 #SDG4 #SDG3
Where Are Some of the World’s Most Sustainable Cities?
#world #Environment #Energy #Economy #CircularEconomy #Impact #GreenBuildings #SDG11 #SustainableCities #SustainableTransportation #CHP #GeothermalEnergy #GPP #GreenhouseGasEmissions
#world #environment #energy #economy #CircularEconomy #impact #greenbuildings #sdg11 #sustainablecities #sustainabletransportation #chp #geothermalenergy #gpp #greenhousegasemissions
What does the future of #sustainable #transportation look like? 🤔
IEC system evaluation group, SEG 11, examines the needs to support the world’s transition to sustainable transportation.
Discover how here 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/3M04K7r
#sustainable #transportation #iectransportation #iecforsdgs #sdg11
“For autonomous vehicles to work on a large scale, algorithms should be able to recognize new classes of objects without having to undergo another round of supervised training.”
Read the full article here 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/42LQhCb
#iectransportation #iecforsdgs #sdg11 #ev
Thinking of travelling somewhere soon? 🛄 ✈️
Discover what role IEC Standards and Conformity Assessment systems play to keep airports and aircraft safe, while enabling them to become more sustainable: https://bit.ly/3Zo0Vfx
#iectransportation #iecforsdgs #sdg11 #aviation
EVs are everywhere.
They help reduce oil dependency and the environmental impact of transportation.
Discover how IEC work ensures that electric vehicles operate and connect safely to the electricity grid: https://bit.ly/3JSSymn
#iectransportation #iecforsdgs #sdg11 #ev
Air transport is booming. ✈️
Prompting airports to modernize their installations.
Discover how IEC Standards play a key role in enabling passengers to check in, flights to depart or land and luggage to be recovered: https://bit.ly/3fxrAmC
#iectransportation #iecforsdgs #sdg11
Air transport safety is a complex and multi-dimensional issue.
IEC Standards are central to three of its major aspects: navigation and communications, and the movement of the aircraft.
Discover further here 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/3lNd4wB
#iectransportation #iecforsdgs #sdg11
Travelling by train is a favourite mode of transport for many of us.
We can sit back and read a book or even fall asleep.
Discover here how transportation is getting smarter thanks to IEC International Standards: https://bit.ly/2O9DZ55
#iectransportation #iecforsdgs #sdg11
Are you focused on #cities #Cities4Climate #urbanism #affordablehousing #transit #socialjustice #SDG11 ? Season 1 of my #LivingChange podcast is FULL of inspirational local leaders doing BIG bold things. Starting with the
Alex Fisch of #CulverCity
episode https://link.cohostpodcasting.com/2cb109d3-1bf3-4c8a-abcd-c2d0a6c17db9?d=sfaGM4PgE #policy Please share with any of your friends who are in local politics across the U.S. That community needs inspiration and examples of how to GSD!
#cities #cities4climate #urbanism #affordablehousing #transit #SocialJustice #sdg11 #livingchange #culvercity #policy
Australia’s rights of nature push flows from the Yarra River
#World #Australia #YarraRiver #Environment #Law #RightsOfNature #EnvironmentalIssue #JusticeAndRights #Laws #InternationalLaws #Rivers #SDG11 #SDG14 #SDG6
#world #australia #yarrariver #environment #law #rightsofnature #environmentalissue #justiceandrights #laws #internationalLaws #rivers #sdg11 #sdg14 #sdg6
Second, we present a case study in São Paulo to show how {gtfs2gps} can be used to examine socioeconomic and spatial–temporal inequalities in access to public transport, providing key information to monitor cities’ progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals #SDG11 #gtfs
Love these historic vernacular #apartments in downtown Salisbury, #NorthCarolina. Set amidst the highly-protected historic district full of 19th & early 20th Century single family homes, this human scale building blends right in! #sdg11 #MissingMiddle #planning #housing #ncpol
#ncpol #housing #planning #missingmiddle #sdg11 #northcarolina #apartments